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Knicks 93 - Heat 88
Aslan Wrote:Kobes field goal percentage is 45 and Lebrons is 47. That's not the huge difference your claiming it to be.
i have never claimed that Lebron has a huge statistical edge over Kobe, just that he does have an edge in the areas that define the extent to which each player can be considered a "ball hog." That point is indisputable, but feel free to dispute it anyway.

Aslan Wrote:Do you know these guys personally? They could be good people but just because you don't like them on the court there "spoiled punks".
Of course not, nor do I have any desire to know either player personally. (That is part of what separates me from NBA "fans.") Both players shoot their mouths off in public often enough for each of us to draw our own conclusions. I hear two spoiled jerks speaking. You can choose to hear what you whatever you want to hear.

Aslan Wrote:I'm not taking anything personal. Were having a debate about two great players. I'll be the first to admit that Lebron has passed Kobe due to Kobe's age and injuries but when there both done with basketball, Kobe will be remembered as the greater player. Leading your team to championships in the NBA defines greatness. Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson wouldn't be remembered as two of the greatest if they didn't lead there teams to so many rings. And Derrick Fisher has 5 rings because he was on teams led by Kobe & Shaq. I think Lebron will get a few rings soon, he really has no excuse not to considering the team he's on (wonder what the new excuse will be if he don't though?).
The only point that I made in my initial post was that one cannot logically call Lebron a ball hog without recognizing that Kobe is even more of a ball hog. This debate has nothing to do with anything else, as far as I am concerned.

If Lebron never wins an NBA championship but continues to shoot a higher FG%, takes fewer shots per minute played, and compiles more assists than Kobe, then he will continue to be a less selfish player than Kobe in what is a team sport. If there was ever a case of the pot calling the kettle black, it is a Kobe fan calling Lebron James a ball hog.

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