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Occupied Wall Street versus Tea Party
funny how you don't see the comparison much anymore where as 7 weeks ago that was driven home
Wonder which group smells better?
Ya got one that smells like sex, drugs, techno and human shit, and the other that smells like Metamucil and insulin...tough decision. haha.
yea but one knows how to go home after they march and protest, the other sleeps in parks
I like to make fun of both, lol.
The Tea Party has clearly defined traditonal positions on clearly stated issues. Generally, they do not like to stray far from the constitution and tend to adhere to a strict interpretation of same based along lines of long accepted traditional American values. (Easily researched by reading American History)

Occupy leaders at the outset, literally could not tell you where they slept last, or likely with whom. All complaints and complainers were welcome to the potpourri of personal gripes that had no recognizable form but, could easily be rectified by a job at McDonald's. Most didn't have the first clue why they were there and, would likely have been on the first bus out once the sex, drugs and free lunch ended. After the ball got rolling, current administration liberal activists began to articulate a position they crafted, to gain political traction for the coming election and, began to air that crafted agenda in an effort to lend dignaty to a shameful display of animal behavior. The more sinister motive by Occupy backers/money men, is to create, here's comes a term near and dear to every liberal's heart, civil unrest, we call them riots. Anyway, hatred and social schisms bad enough to eclipse the civil unrest, riots, of the 60's are afoot. Having declared rich people our problem exactly the way Hitler blamed the Jew for all Germany's economic grief. Of course, leading Democratic officials and spokesmen have declared the two virtually identical. And the 21 percenters, (21% of Americans are liberal) believe every word of it. The 79 percenters (Americans that are not extreme left wing liberals) know better, and will make their voices heard at the polls in November of 2012.
lol man, you make the Occupy movement sound like the devil. Hahahaha..
vundy33 Wrote:lol man, you make the Occupy movement sound like the devil. Hahahaha..

Hi Vundy, now that you mention it, the only thiing missing other than Hippies and Hygene was Horns! :biggrin:

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