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PETA slams Mario over use of a fur suit
The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals might be barking up the wrong mushroom.
On Monday, the controversial organization issued a press release attacking iconic Nintendo mascot Mario for wearing a 'Tanooki' suit in his latest adventure, the Nintendo 3DS game Super Mario 3D Land, which hit shelves on Sunday.
"Tanooki may be just a "suit" in Mario games, but by wearing the skin of an animal, Mario is sending the message that it's OK to wear fur," PETA says.
The raccoon-like suit, which grants Mario the ability to glide across the screen, has been a part of the franchise since first appearing as a power-up in 1988's Super Mario Bros. 3. In the new game, Mario acquires the suit not by doing something lousy to a Tanooki, but by snagging a Super Leaf.
Still, PETA insists this encourages animal abuse.
"Tanukis are real-life raccoon dogs who are beaten and, as PETA's undercover exposés show, often skinned alive for their fur," says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. "This winter, everyone can give raccoon dogs and other fabulous animals a 1-UP by keeping our wardrobes fur-free."
To help prove their point, PETA has even commissioned a crude parody video game called "Super Tanooki Skin 2D" in which players try to re-capture their skin from a flying Mario (Warning: Kind of disturbing, and totally not fun.)
It's just the latest in a long line of PETA game complaints. In 2008 they went after Cooking Mama for not being a vegetarian, while just last year they parodied challenging downloadable platform hit Super Meat Boy for starring a piece of raw meat.
Nintendo has yet to comment, though we're pretty sure it will sound like a hand slapping a forehead.
Really? Could u imagine them over the frog suit? ANimal Crackers is next im telling you.
Peta=gladd=obama=the end of america
These people don't have a life...
king360 Wrote:

Sheesh. My sister was going to be a pledging member of PETA, until she began talking with some of the members. At one time, I am not sure if it is still that way, their listed beliefs/platform was somewhat normal. However, what they REALLY want to do is too far out there.

My sister is all for environmental things and not mistreating animals, but stuff like this makes her laugh. She isn't against hunting, she understands that if certain animals were not hunted, they would starve to death anyway.

I say all of that to say that PETA is hurting their own cause with stuff like this. Just ridiculous.

I guarantee that there are MANY more for animal rights and environmental issues that are ashamed of PETA than people turned to the issues by them.
PETA , HSUS, both of these organizations are nothing more than terrorist its proven the vice president of HSUS has spent time in prison because of terroristic acts, and they are against any kind of agriculture and hunting they also want to keep you from having pets and eating meat its awful that our govermnent allows them to push their agenda on us

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