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Wish me luck!
After earning a College Degree in Computer Information Technology and not being able to find any job in this area willing to give me more than 10$ an hour, I have decided to work in Underground Construction for while obtaining a degree as an engineer on the side. I am hopefully starting work in 2 weeks at $16 an hour, Give me some time to make some money for the seasons. Although i would love to stay in school and ride the Fafsa train me and my "future Fiance" are planning on getting a house built. Just keep me in your thoughts and prayers guys and hope i make it home everyday. Although the company i will be working for have only had 30 deaths in 35 years its good to know your praying for us.
Best of luck man... you can't be picky in this job market. I've been looking for a few months now with no luck.
^I feel you there. I have not had a full time job for about two years now. However, I do have two interviews on Friday for a full time job in North Carolina. Maybe something will come from that.

Best of luck in your jobs/job searches.
Give 'em hell, and stay safe!
Best of luck man
Good luck man
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
Jarons Wrote:^I feel you there. I have not had a full time job for about two years now. However, I do have two interviews on Friday for a full time job in North Carolina. Maybe something will come from that.

Best of luck in your jobs/job searches.

Thanks...good luck on Friday!
Is it local?
To you I mean. Or you have to travel/move?
I live in inez and will be working in Meta, Near Pikeville, Not to bad at all.
Thats good, anytime you can make good money and not have to relocate.
^ YEa, My GF works at ARH in Williamson and we both will be making 16$ an hour.
Good Luck man!
Getting settled into a career is hard and sucks starting out, but boy does it get better and sure as hell beat working at hardees.
Good luck man. I mean no offense with this and I speak this with love: be careful buying/building a house with someone that you are not even engaged to yet. I am sure that she is wonderful, just take that advice to heart. A wise man once told me not to rush into marriage but if you have found the one you are looking for go ahead and get engaged. Nobody says you have to get married the day after, lol.

Just looking out for ya man. If you know what you want, put a ring on it. Take your time and work through the important marriage questions and get married when you are BOTH ready. In case you didn't know, I am a strong advocate for long engagements if necessary.
All the best dude!
Be careful in there man, but congrats on the new job.
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

Everything else doesn't matter![/COLOR]
Aslan Wrote:Good luck, man. I know you'll do well. Try to stay classy though Wink

Good luck duder...
Good luck my friend.
Good Luck!

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis

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