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Bowling Green 55 Anderson County 3
Da_Hamburgular Wrote:I think it is so funny how fan in frankfort is still on here dogging on Anderson lol he's about a moron. First saying how Franklin was so good at the begining of the season and everything. Sorry but Bowling Green is great. They would have absolutely destroyed franklin just like Connor did at fc! Well Anderson beat Connor at Connor so don't even start. Thanks For all the support to over the season Bubba

By the way "MORON", I am fan of the game NOT THE TEAM!!!
...56-24?...cmon guys the head to head match up between anderson and franklin is forever passed, dont undermine a team you got blown out by. One thing we can agree on, Bowling Green sure got hot at the right time of the year no one in 5A was going to beat them.
Really BG is the best team in 5A and has shown it all year long! No one cares about Anderson co. they were smashed by a VERY VERY good BG team that has beat really good teams in the playoffs and in the regular season! Ex: St.X, Lex Cath, Warren Central, John Hardin. I think we all know what the score of the game was going to be. I think BG could have put up more points on Anderson, and BG could beat Highlands by at least 2 touchdowns they are too big, strong, fast for them.
I have never said Bowling Green was not good. They proved it this weekend. I thought Anderson did very well this year and they also proved it. I just get tired of all of these people calling everyone a Moron and making it personal just because you state facts, I also get tired of some people calling out people by name. This is just people's opinions and they are entitled to make them. Some people on this site should learn to leave it on the feild. I also have never said anything after the game between Anderson and Franklin, like you said up above it is over, no one cares anymore. It was a good season for everyone in the state regardless of the final record and besides it is over all anyone can do now is get ready for next season.
^ Great post FIF. It's now too "Cool" to be a troll than to engage in honest debate without getting feelings hurt and resort to juvenile tactics because we can hide behind user names! Oh, everyone says "I would say it to your face", yet that would never happen either. You are doing a great job with the "debate", no need to lower yourself to meet others abilities to have a good discussion!
purplepride13 Wrote:Really BG is the best team in 5A and has shown it all year long! No one cares about Anderson co. they were smashed by a VERY VERY good BG team that has beat really good teams in the playoffs and in the regular season! Ex: St.X, Lex Cath, Warren Central, John Hardin. I think we all know what the score of the game was going to be. I think BG could have put up more points on Anderson, and BG could beat Highlands by at least 2 touchdowns they are too big, strong, fast for them.

I think you were good till your last comment. "BG could beat Highlands by least 2 touchdowns..." .

IF it happened it would be a game to watch. However I really don't think either team at this point can claim any kind of superiority other than less than a TD.
I'm an Anderson county fan and we just flat out got beat by a bowling green team that was just dominant in all aspects of the game however I do not think that BG is 52 points better then AC but they were Saturday night

great season bearcats you made history for your school and you will always be remembered as the team with the most wins in a season winningest class first region championship and the first team to ever make it to the state finals you have nothing to hang your head about

to bg you were by far the classiest players coaches and fans we went up against this season you are all well coached and it shows on the field it just kinda sucked that you guys had home field advantage haha great season guys 15-0 is pretty dang impressive especially with the schedule you played
purplepride13 Wrote:Really BG is the best team in 5A and has shown it all year long! No one cares about Anderson co. they were smashed by a VERY VERY good BG team that has beat really good teams in the playoffs and in the regular season! Ex: St.X, Lex Cath, Warren Central, John Hardin. I think we all know what the score of the game was going to be. I think BG could have put up more points on Anderson, and BG could beat Highlands by at least 2 touchdowns they are too big, strong, fast for them.

When you say things like, "who cares about Anderson County" and "they were smashed" and "BG could beat Highlands by at least 2 touchdowns" it shows how juvenile or ignorant you must be. Read TheRealDeal's post right above this one. That's a classy post. Yours, not so much. Your not helping the Purples with posts like that.
Anderson co should have taken the football team up the day before the game and let the kids relax and go watch the other games to get the feel of the atmosphere. I think it was almost too big for the kids and got their nerves on the edge and it showed when they played alot of pressure on a group of kids that have never been there. Going the day before would have got the kids more relaxed and see how big of a show it was. Way to take care of the kids coaches and athletic director of Anderson Co. A police escort and getting there an hour and a half before the game just made things worse and most people would agree!!Anderson would not beat BG but may have played a better game.
I would love to see BG and Trinity play each other that would be a great game to go see!!!!IMO:popcorn:
purplepride13 Wrote:Really BG is the best team in 5A and has shown it all year long! No one cares about Anderson co. they were smashed by a VERY VERY good BG team that has beat really good teams in the playoffs and in the regular season! Ex: St.X, Lex Cath, Warren Central, John Hardin. I think we all know what the score of the game was going to be. I think BG could have put up more points on Anderson, and BG could beat Highlands by at least 2 touchdowns they are too big, strong, fast for them.
That shows you how immature you are. Good lord... "No one cares about Anderson Co"? haha We made it to state too. Bowling Green is really good. Your about a scumbag
Fan in Frankfort Wrote:By the way "MORON", I am fan of the game NOT THE TEAM!!!
Well i do sincerly apologize. I thought you were just like Doug Murphy aka flyerfan. He's the moron, talking down about AC. He's a pos
bubba22 Wrote:I would love to see BG and Trinity play each other that would be a great game to go see!!!!IMO:popcorn:

I agree that would be a great game to watch.
TheRealDeal Wrote:I'm an Anderson county fan and we just flat out got beat by a bowling green team that was just dominant in all aspects of the game however I do not think that BG is 52 points better then AC but they were Saturday night

great season bearcats you made history for your school and you will always be remembered as the team with the most wins in a season winningest class first region championship and the first team to ever make it to the state finals you have nothing to hang your head about

to bg you were by far the classiest players coaches and fans we went up against this season you are all well coached and it shows on the field it just kinda sucked that you guys had home field advantage haha great season guys 15-0 is pretty dang impressive especially with the schedule you played

Win or lose Bearcats, You made it to the simi finals and that is something all of you should be proud of, there was a lot of teams, players, and fans sitting at home watching this on wishing they could be there. We can all sit around and say, should of, would of, could of, but the reality is there was only 12 teams who could make it. Bowling Green you are a great class of players and coaches good luck to you and try to set up the Trinity-Bowling Green game in Louisville. I think a lot of us would be there.
seriously, fields get muddy with out it raining... it has been raining forever here. you got beat ... don't make stupid excuses... it is pitiful that you feel the need to make up such dumb excuses for losing.
Anderson Co. had a good game plan and executed it well. They took advantage of a lack of secondary defense from SW. Anderson also stopped the run well.

Not making excuses for how the game turned out...

But honestly, it will be near impossible to make me believe that the field was as wet/muddy as it was from just the rain. I think that people would not have been able to sit on the ground above the end zone without getting muddy. I was at Frankfort High's field just about an hour before the game. Frankfort's field was wet but not sloppy. I know Frankfort is a whole 14 miles from Anderson's field and the weather can differ between the two but not that much.
I also think that field conditions had an impact on the outcome of the game. The game that Anderson's QB had would probably still earned them a victory though.

It is over and done with. Congrats to both groups of young men. Both teams had good seasons and accomplished feats that neither school had before.

This is just my $0.02.

Warriors Alum Wrote:Anderson Co. had a good game plan and executed it well. They took advantage of a lack of secondary defense from SW. Anderson also stopped the run well.

Not making excuses for how the game turned out...

But honestly, it will be near impossible to make me believe that the field was as wet/muddy as it was from just the rain. I think that people would not have been able to sit on the ground above the end zone without getting muddy. I was at Frankfort High's field just about an hour before the game. Frankfort's field was wet but not sloppy. I know Frankfort is a whole 14 miles from Anderson's field and the weather can differ between the two but not that much.
I also think that field conditions had an impact on the outcome of the game. The game that Anderson's QB had would probably still earned them a victory though.

It is over and done with. Congrats to both groups of young men. Both teams had good seasons and accomplished feats that neither school had before.

This is just my $0.02.


This is the Bowoling Green-Anderson thread. Not the final four thread. Enough with that game. I did catch some of the game and it was muddy, but not overwhelmingly muddy? Warrior fans need to let this go and stop blaming the loss on something other than getting straight up beat.
Warriors Alum Wrote:Anderson Co. had a good game plan and executed it well. They took advantage of a lack of secondary defense from SW. Anderson also stopped the run well.

Not making excuses for how the game turned out...

But honestly, it will be near impossible to make me believe that the field was as wet/muddy as it was from just the rain. I think that people would not have been able to sit on the ground above the end zone without getting muddy. I was at Frankfort High's field just about an hour before the game. Frankfort's field was wet but not sloppy. I know Frankfort is a whole 14 miles from Anderson's field and the weather can differ between the two but not that much.
I also think that field conditions had an impact on the outcome of the game. The game that Anderson's QB had would probably still earned them a victory though.

It is over and done with. Congrats to both groups of young men. Both teams had good seasons and accomplished feats that neither school had before.

This is just my $0.02.


So how come Anderson Co. did not slip, fall, slide around the mud like SW did? Oh maybe it was the special cleats/ shoes they had on. Come on brother, be real.
I know what thread this is.

I also consider standing water on the field (in the end zone where I stood for the entire game) pretty muddy. Maybe even "overwhelmingly" muddy.

I did not "blame" the SW loss on the field conditions.

I did give credit to Anderson Co. on a well executed ball game and victory.

NOW so that I do not get in trouble with any thread police....

Congrats to Anderson Co. on their state finals appearance.
Congrats to BG on their Championship. They must have played one heck of a game to beat the Anderson County squad in such a fashion.
FBfan4life Wrote:So how come Anderson Co. did not slip, fall, slide around the mud like SW did? Oh maybe it was the special cleats/ shoes they had on. Come on brother, be real.

Longer cleats on their shoes...
First of all, I am a player on AC's football team, and b/c of this I have some knowledge I would like to share.

We did not water our field b/c...

Our field had very little grass on it, and I think any fans at the game would agree. Plus, the grass we had was Bermuda, which is a warm-season grass, meaning that it dies around late-October or early-November. Therefore, when it rains for three days straight, like it did Monday-Wednesday of the game week, water does not soak into the ground very well because the field has dormant roots or no roots in some areas. This causes the field to look like it had been watered.

For the fan that stood in the end zone, I am supposing he or she stood on the end closest to the scoreboard. This end of the field is where are sub-par drainage system lets all of its water out. Anderson County has never really had a good football team or much money to support it. B/c of this we never have provided top-quality ground/underground work on the practice or game fields. Faulty drainage explains the “standing water.” It also explains why we had to practice on the baseball field for two practices and had to travel to Woodford County High’s artificial turf field for one practice on the three days leading up to game. (We did practice on our swimming pool of a practice field on Monday) We did not practice on our game field because of the very poor shape it was in.

Also, for those who believed we changed our cleats specifically for this match-up, I can only remember one instance of a player changing into new cleats, but his cleats were not in great shape beforehand. And, many other players on the team, including the running back, the full back and at least two of the receivers that played, wore molded cleats. These cleats cannot be changed out on the bottom, which means they had no more advantage than the other team in this regard either.

I know that the people that made these comments have qualified that SW most likely would have lost even with better conditions, but I am tired of seeing people make false assumptions on this thread.

I know I wrote a lot and most people probably don't care enough to read this lengthy post, but these are factual statements, and if you still don't believe that we did not attempt to enhance our performance shamefully, then nothing will.
LeeCoUKFan Wrote:Well, I guess Anderson Co can be happy for setting the record for the worst State Final loss since the switch to the new 6 class system!! Heck, it may be the worst loss in the history of State Final games! :Clap:
I'd rather AC be underdogs and make a playoff run against the very highly favored Connor and Southwestern (who based off what I saw, was the easiest game they played on the playoffs) than be favorites to kill in the semi final game and get blown out big, then have the coach embarrass the school and team. I don't see how that's worse than playing with class all year, making the state championship game, and losing to a great team who we were never supposed to beat. I mean if they were favorites against BG and lost by 52, than they could maybe then deserve some of the crap we take on here. Anderson made a huge turnaround since the Franklin game and did throughout the playoffs what we were constantly expected not to do: win. And never did I say Anderson was better than Harlan or FC, but we are certainly better than SW. Sorry. If we lost to Bowling Green by 52, and we beat SW by 49 (if the varisty stayed in the whole game) you can't tell me you would have fared better. Because I don't believe you, and neither does anyone with knowledge of football.
Warriors Alum Wrote:Anderson Co. had a good game plan and executed it well. They took advantage of a lack of secondary defense from SW. Anderson also stopped the run well.

Not making excuses for how the game turned out...

But honestly, it will be near impossible to make me believe that the field was as wet/muddy as it was from just the rain. I think that people would not have been able to sit on the ground above the end zone without getting muddy. I was at Frankfort High's field just about an hour before the game. Frankfort's field was wet but not sloppy. I know Frankfort is a whole 14 miles from Anderson's field and the weather can differ between the two but not that much.
I also think that field conditions had an impact on the outcome of the game. The game that Anderson's QB had would probably still earned them a victory though.

It is over and done with. Congrats to both groups of young men. Both teams had good seasons and accomplished feats that neither school had before.

This is just my $0.02.

I wish you guys would stop making excuses about that. Whining and complaining makes you guys look dumb, since mud itself can never factor for a 42 point difference. Like I said, a good team can handle adversity and play anywhere, especially a team playing for a championship. Since you couldn't defeat the adversity of wet field, then proceed to whine and make excuses on a forum, you have made the defeat worse upon yourselves. I'm sorry. If you can't beat Anderson on a wet field, try beating Bowling Green on a turf field. That's approximately 5 times harder.
FBfan4life Wrote:So how come Anderson Co. did not slip, fall, slide around the mud like SW did? Oh maybe it was the special cleats/ shoes they had on. Come on brother, be real.
The special shoes we had on!? Yeah because Anderson County is such a rich place and buy players multiple pairs of cleats to handle every sort of climate situation. You get real. Nobody buys "special shoes" for a muddy game unless your a pro. Here's how to keep from slipping and falling: check Anderson County weather at the beginning of the week and check the fainfall. Once you see it, find the muddiest place to practice, and then you'll be accustomed to a muddy field by gameday. Good preparation > sad excuses. If I'm correct, AC practiced that week on the soccer field, the muddiest spot on school campus. They prepared. And even if they didn't, the outcome of the game was 42?! Field wouldn't have even mattered
AC Fball Wrote:First of all, I am a player on AC's football team, and b/c of this I have some knowledge I would like to share.

We did not water our field b/c...

Our field had very little grass on it, and I think any fans at the game would agree. Plus, the grass we had was Bermuda, which is a warm-season grass, meaning that it dies around late-October or early-November. Therefore, when it rains for three days straight, like it did Monday-Wednesday of the game week, water does not soak into the ground very well because the field has dormant roots or no roots in some areas. This causes the field to look like it had been watered.

For the fan that stood in the end zone, I am supposing he or she stood on the end closest to the scoreboard. This end of the field is where are sub-par drainage system lets all of its water out. Anderson County has never really had a good football team or much money to support it. B/c of this we never have provided top-quality ground/underground work on the practice or game fields. Faulty drainage explains the “standing water.” It also explains why we had to practice on the baseball field for two practices and had to travel to Woodford County High’s artificial turf field for one practice on the three days leading up to game. (We did practice on our swimming pool of a practice field on Monday) We did not practice on our game field because of the very poor shape it was in.

Also, for those who believed we changed our cleats specifically for this match-up, I can only remember one instance of a player changing into new cleats, but his cleats were not in great shape beforehand. And, many other players on the team, including the running back, the full back and at least two of the receivers that played, wore molded cleats. These cleats cannot be changed out on the bottom, which means they had no more advantage than the other team in this regard either.

I know that the people that made these comments have qualified that SW most likely would have lost even with better conditions, but I am tired of seeing people make false assumptions on this thread.

I know I wrote a lot and most people probably don't care enough to read this lengthy post, but these are factual statements, and if you still don't believe that we did not attempt to enhance our performance shamefully, then nothing will.

Good post. Welcome to BGR!
And kudos to Fan in Frankfort. Very classy guy based off these posts. Anderson County knows how good Franklin County is and respects them. Fighting about other games on this thread shouldn't be necessary, I'm just sick of excuses personally. But FiF represents FC on here very well, in the sense that class is better than trash talk (looking at flyerfan.) regardless, let the kids play ball and the scores will speak for themselves

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