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Rattlesnake Republic
Has anybody seen this show on The Animal Planet? Some of these snake catchers are crazy.... I mean totally out of the frame.

So far, I've seen a snake catcher fall into a pool with a 6' foot rattlesnake. I've seen a guy laying in a coffin full of rattlers going through a parade. A guy get in a sleeping bag with 23 rattlesnakes. And my favorite, a 95 year old woman out catching rattlesnakes like she was making cookies.... CRAZY! And there has only been 3 episodes this season.
Not seen it.
I watched the first episode of the Snake man of Appalachia show but havent seen any since.
I watched the beginning of the 1st episode of Rattlesnake Republic but, I am upset that they discontinued Snake Man of Appalachia and American Stuffers so, I have not been watching Animal Planet very much!
Let me just say.... Rattlesnake Republic may be the best "true to life" snake show I have evr saw.

They follow 4-5 teams of snake catchers across Texas. From overnight snake catching expeditions on horse farms, catching snakes under a house or around somebody's property, putting on stunts at snake shows and county fairs and selling the snakes for around $25-$35 dollars per snake depending on lenght and weight.............. It's crazy, simply crazy.

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