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Working Out
I am a huge gym rat. I'm currently doing insanity, which has a perfect name because it's insane! And I lift in the gym about 3 to 4 times a week. I love it!
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
Anyone on here use supplements? Protein powders, mulitvitamins, anything?
I have never taken any supplements.
Even in high school i just got a shot of water and went with it.
To many people, especially kids, misuse stuff like creatine thinking it will make them stronger and more cut when really its only a weight gainer for most people. Dont know how many linemen who were already pushing 300 pounds were trying this stuff and they didnt need it.
Anybody ever took any kind of steroids?
I personally havent but i know with the correct doctor supervision, some people can manage it without getting hooked.
Just curious to know whos tried and what there results ended up being.

BTW, no i do not want to take steroids, or will i ever, just never known anyhone who has but was always interested in finding out what it really done, not just what you see on tv with roid freaks that go way overboard.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
I have never taken any supplements.
Even in high school i just got a shot of water and went with it.
To many people, especially kids, misuse stuff like creatine thinking it will make them stronger and more cut when really its only a weight gainer for most people. Dont know how many linemen who were already pushing 300 pounds were trying this stuff and they didnt need it.

Thats the big problem with people they forget that supplements are exactly what the name says. They are for supplementing your diet and exercise once you have everything else down. I personally only use a multivitamin, and protein powder. The protein powder helps me get to my daily protein #'s and Ive got vanilla cupcake batter and chocolate truffle flavors, so it also helps me when I get a sweet tooth. I agree though, id say more than 70% of people who take supplements are misusing them because the rest of their fitness isnt lined out.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Anybody ever took any kind of steroids?
I personally havent but i know with the correct doctor supervision, some people can manage it without getting hooked.
Just curious to know whos tried and what there results ended up being.

BTW, no i do not want to take steroids, or will i ever, just never known anyhone who has but was always interested in finding out what it really done, not just what you see on tv with roid freaks that go way overboard.

Their are advantages and disadvantages to them. I honestly have never considered it because of the problems with testosterone production they could cause later on in life.
I think thats what always scared me away from them.
And even though they say it dont, it changes your attitude in a BIG way depending on what you take. (I.E. Roid Rage)
Its no wonder the majority of wrestlers who have taken them for 20+ years hearts explode.
Ill pass on those side effects any day.
NothingTrivial Wrote:Anyone on here use supplements? Protein powders, mulitvitamins, anything?

RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Anybody ever took any kind of steroids?
I personally havent but i know with the correct doctor supervision, some people can manage it without getting hooked.
Just curious to know whos tried and what there results ended up being.

BTW, no i do not want to take steroids, or will i ever, just never known anyhone who has but was always interested in finding out what it really done, not just what you see on tv with roid freaks that go way overboard.

I have never taken supplements, 8-12oz of low fat chocolate milk after each workout does me good...

Took a low dose steriod to help with my back and it made me angry and on the edge. After a few days I felt somewhat fine but anytime I had to start taking it I had to warn my wife to stay somewhere for a couple of

As anyone seen the HGH spray? I wonder if that stuff works.
judgementday Wrote:I have never taken supplements, 8-12oz of low fat chocolate milk after each workout does me good...

Took a low dose steriod to help with my back and it made me angry and on the edge. After a few days I felt somewhat fine but anytime I had to start taking it I had to warn my wife to stay somewhere for a couple of

As anyone seen the HGH spray? I wonder if that stuff works.

Ive heard of tht spray.
Im not sure how something like that would work.
judgementday Wrote:I agree and IMO this is why in MMA a lot of the strength regiments do not use free standing weights but use tractor tires, sledge hammers, etc...

If you have ever done one of the sledgehammer workouts, you are sore and use muscles in places you never thought possible.

Ohh god...never want to think about those again, lol.
judgementday Wrote:I have never taken supplements, 8-12oz of low fat chocolate milk after each workout does me good...

Took a low dose steriod to help with my back and it made me angry and on the edge. After a few days I felt somewhat fine but anytime I had to start taking it I had to warn my wife to stay somewhere for a couple of

As anyone seen the HGH spray? I wonder if that stuff works.

I used that stuff for about 8 months back in 2009/2010. It works...well. Don't get the crap GNC usually has though. Sometimes they get the good stuff, but most of the time it's the cheap crap.
vundy33 Wrote:I used that stuff for about 8 months back in 2009/2010. It works...well. Don't get the crap GNC usually has though. Sometimes they get the good stuff, but most of the time it's the cheap crap.

Does it make you act crazy or anything? Also, if you don't buy it at GNC where else would you get it?
You can get much better prices online than GNC on anything.
judgementday Wrote:Does it make you act crazy or anything? Also, if you don't buy it at GNC where else would you get it?

Nope, not at all. Not like steroids. And what NothingTrivial said. I'll link you up tomorrow and let you look at the best brands for the money, in my opinion. For a first time user, I always recommend going with good stuff, but not the best of course. Always smart to see how it goes along with your body before you spend $150+ on a supplement.

I'll post the links tomorrow evening brother. :Thumbs:
After doing some research on HGH Sprays, they are a waste of money. If you look at the ingredient profile, I bet it will be very similar to that of any testosterone booster. It can be real HGH for 2 reason. 1) HGH is a controlled substance and it would require a prescription or illegal activities to get real HGH. & 2) HGH is not stable in the stomach acids. It will just degrade out of its peptide chain into free form amino acids. Depends on what goals are, they would be plenty of better options out there.
NothingTrivial Wrote:After doing some research on HGH Sprays, they are a waste of money. If you look at the ingredient profile, I bet it will be very similar to that of any testosterone booster. It can be real HGH for 2 reason. 1) HGH is a controlled substance and it would require a prescription or illegal activities to get real HGH. & 2) HGH is not stable in the stomach acids. It will just degrade out of its peptide chain into free form amino acids. Depends on what goals are, they would be plenty of better options out there.

I am unsure if I would try it but was curious if it worked or not.

In your opinion, what are the better options?
Yeah, I'm not talking about HGH as exactly "Human Growth Hormone" spray, I'm talking in generic terms really. So many different options, and different kinds of HGH that alot of research and trial and error is needed to find out the best for you. That's what it took for me at least.
judgementday Wrote:I am unsure if I would try it but was curious if it worked or not.

In your opinion, what are the better options?

It would depend on what your goals are. Weight loss, building muscle?
NothingTrivial Wrote:It would depend on what your goals are. Weight loss, building muscle?

Building muscle...I want to get so big that my neck looks like a baked ham......:biglmao:.......just kidding.

I try to work out at least 3 times a week, maybe 4 if my schedule allows it. However, if I am really busy I can only squeeze in 2 days so I was looking into options in supplementing my workouts seeing that it is not an everyday occurance.

I don't need to do anything about weight loss. Because I am so active and have changed my diet some, I have been able to drop the pounds without any problem.
If your looking to purchase supplements I would recommend over gnc and just about any other store out there. There prices are much better than most and they have just about any thing and any brand you want.
I love, but their prices can be beaten as well. you're best bets would be higher protein in your diet (about 1-1.5g per lb or lean body mass), Creatine, BCAA's, and possibly a natural test. booster. Higher protein and Creatine would be the basics and would work for most people.
What's you alls ab workouts? I need to get rid of my lower belly fat. I got upper abs, but I need to get my lower abs and a little bit of belly fat off.
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
Spud6 Wrote:What's you alls ab workouts? I need to get rid of my lower belly fat. I got upper abs, but I need to get my lower abs and a little bit of belly fat off.

Gotta get that body fat down, you'll have to cut some calories and get the body fat % down a little. Usually the abs are some of the last muscles to show through.

Hanging Leg Raises, Press sit ups, weighted crunches will work well to build the abs.
Ive lost 18 pounds in 2 weeks from simply cutting my calories in half.
I snack on green grapes all day and it two good meals and only drink water.
Its working pretty well.
^Be careful about when you go off the diet once you get to the weight you want. You'll be likely to gain some back gradually.
Way ahead of ya.
And to think i had a six pack in high does anyone else wish they still had that 17 year old body added with the fact that a weightroom was only a hallway away and the biggest problems you had was if you were gonna win on friday night lol...

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