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Joe's hot dog stand and taxes
I had this in another thread but wanted to start it on its own.

Try to follow I will keep it simple. Joe has a hot dog stand. He sells hot dogs for $1.00. Of this $1.00, 10 cents is Joe's profit.

The city decides to place a 10 cent tax on the sale of hot dogs. Well Joe, not being as dumb as the city leaders knows that he can no longer sell hot dogs for a dollar each.

Joe was makng a 10% profit before, so he increases his price to $1.11. But then realizes that due to the increase in price he is now selling fewer hot dogs. So he increases price to $1.15 each trying to stay in busnisss. This seems to work but Joe notices certain poorer customers have stopped coming around.

Of course the city is now receivig less hot dog tax because Joe is selling fewer hot dogs. Of course the city leaders blame this on joe for increasing his prices and increase the hot dog tax to 15 cents. and it all starts over.


This should be a simple concept for liberals to understand, even without simple illustrations, such as the one that you have presented. Businesses and corporations pay no taxes - people pay taxes. Raise the tax rate on businesses and the tax burden will be shifted to consumers as higher product prices and/or to employees as lower wages and/or fewer benefits.

Yet, liberal politicians such as Obama actually have liberals believing that targeting businesses and corporations with punitive tax rates has no consequences for consumers, employees, and retirees.

For all practical purposes, corporations are people, just as any other organization consists of a group of people organized to achieve common goals.
Sorry other guy, but that is way too educated and way too much common sense for any liberal to understand.
wideright05 Wrote:sorry other guy, but that is way too educated and way too much common sense for any liberal to understand.
can we all say healthcare tax?
BEst way to cut Smoking and drinking is to raise the tax on Cigs and beer
I do think there are way too many taxes but that is why prices go up on everything. Businesses do not want to lose a smidgen of profit and the government wants to spend more and more so they are not cutting taxes.

Don't get me wrong, I believe it is the owners right to make as much as they want, hey, it is THEIR business, figuratively and literally. I just do not always view it as the big bad government. It goes both ways, the government sticks their nose in a little too much. But sadly, their nose has to be in it or the working environment would go back to the days of company towns, and the NEED for government reform and laws in the workplace.

Why is it so hard to find a fine line between the terrible working conditions and product that was produced BEFORE government regulations and the regulations of today that choke out businesses? Can we just have a common ground? Get a quality product/service, at a reasonable rate, while still having enough taxes to protect our nation and take care of those who cannot protect themselves?
LWC Wrote:I do think there are way too many taxes but that is why prices go up on everything. Businesses do not want to lose a smidgen of profit and the government wants to spend more and more so they are not cutting taxes.

Don't get me wrong, I believe it is the owners right to make as much as they want, hey, it is THEIR business, figuratively and literally. I just do not always view it as the big bad government. It goes both ways, the government sticks their nose in a little too much. But sadly, their nose has to be in it or the working environment would go back to the days of company towns, and the NEED for government reform and laws in the workplace.

Why is it so hard to find a fine line between the terrible working conditions and product that was produced BEFORE government regulations and the regulations of today that choke out businesses? Can we just have a common ground? Get a quality product/service, at a reasonable rate, while still having enough taxes to protect our nation and take care of those who cannot protect themselves?
First of all I like your post, you stated honest concerns in a civil manner, Thank you.

I don't think with today's informed society that companies could get by with much. Look how much trouble Toyota got when the problems happened to their cars. I agree that some companies would do anything they could get by with but most are run honestly and fair.

It seems you want common sense to be used, I wish that would happen to, but it looks like that is no longer allowed.

The crazy spending has to stop somewhere. Even these local small towns are spending big money on all kinds of crap. The citizen is not being served.

the other guy Wrote:First of all I like your post, you stated honest concerns in a civil manner, Thank you.

I don't think with today's informed society that companies could get by with much. Look how much trouble Toyota got when the problems happened to their cars. I agree that some companies would do anything they could get by with but most are run honestly and fair.

It seems you want common sense to be used, I wish that would happen to, but it looks like that is no longer allowed.

The crazy spending has to stop somewhere. Even these local small towns are spending big money on all kinds of crap. The citizen is not being served.

Google: Coke Cola Columbia.
TheRealVille Wrote:Google: Coke Cola Columbia.
the other guy Wrote:

That's how I'd answer. You were the one taking up for business, even though Coke is one of the biggest killer companies on the planet. Did you read the story you posted?
TheRealVille Wrote:That's how I'd answer. You were the one taking up for business, even though Coke is one of the biggest killer companies on the planet. Did you read the story you posted?

I said in my post that some companies would do whatever they could get by with but most were run fair and honest. I stand my that. What gets me about you is you try to derail ever thread on here to some left/right argument.

I liked LWC's post and I think post like that is the way these threads should be. But you post some smart answer. Well we could play the google this/that game for a week and nothing would be gained.:insane::please:
^It's called greed. That's what took down Enron, caused all this second guessing about whether we should have bailed out Wall Street, and that is what is causing the coming banking industry crisis.

A Financial Tsunami Approaching!
By Robert R. FarrellMarch 10, 2008.The intensifying American banking crisis threatens the stability of its economy and the world’s. Where is it leading?

Global financial stability has been shaken and America is facing a growing economic crisis that could make the 1930s look like “good times.” The U.S. banking system is on the verge of disaster, as banks have recorded over $100 billion in losses, with hundreds of billions more forecasted

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