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Obama says fatherhood trumps schmoozing

An interesting article. I agree with President Obama he should spend more time with his family. Maybe he can do that at the first of the year.

President Barack Obama dismissed criticism he doesn't spend enough time developing relationships with Washington deal-makers who can help push his agenda forward.
In an exclusive interview with CNN chief White House correspondent Jessica Yellin, Obama said he is determined to make time for his family.
"Sometimes Michelle and I not doing the circuit and going out to dinners with folks is perceived as us being cool," Obama said. "It actually really has more to do with us being parents."

This is what I found to be telling about the current administration:
Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine, who worked closely with the president early in his term, said she is not sure Obama "truly understands the relationship and interaction that occurs between the president and the legislative branch."
"Somehow, he thinks, well, the Congress is, you know, that's their job and this is my job," Snowe said. "But we have to really interact with one another, ultimately, to get the job done for the country."
Has the President ever gone to Capital Hill to talk to congressional leadership? I know he's summons them to the White House but has it gone both ways? At the end of the day he needs to network with congressional leadership. President Clinton did it, President Reagan did it with a Democratically controlled Congress. Why can't the current administration? Didn't he promise- "bridge partisan and ideological divides once in office."

Instead he plays the blame game, attacks the Republican party for doing nothing in Congress even calling them the party of NO. I guess being a community organizer didn't prepare him to build bridges in Washington
If a Democratic president can't work with Olympia Snowe, then he has no interest whatsoever in compromising with Republicans for the good of the country.
At the end of the day our politicians and leaders must know we are all on the same team- Team America.

But especially over the last 25 years it's been trying to one up the other side. To use hyperbole to drive a wedge between bi partisanship.

At the end of the day no matter how much you disagree and debate over an issue you should still be able to stop and have a beer with the opposition and show respect for them.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If a Democratic president can't work with Olympia Snowe, then he has no interest whatsoever in compromising with Republicans for the good of the country.
I thought the same thing. That's more telling of the issues in Washington than anything else
This boy won't work with Snowe or anyone who doesn't share his radical beliefs. You can't "transform" a free capitalistic state into a socialistic state if you work with others. It is bad now but, if he is reelected, you will see the real anti-Christian socialist.
Obama isn't even working with members of his own party. Harry Reid gets his orders from somebody in the Obama inner circle, but Obama really enjoys the view from the top. Valerie Jarrett is up there with him, it's a wierd situation and defies clear understanding. Robert Gibbs, Van Jones, Bill Ayers and Robert Wolf are other favorites. It doesn't seem likely that many cabinet members are completely in on the ground floor. And the democrat rank and file likely know no more than the rest of us about the true Obama agenda. No he owns every botched plan and bad move, he calls the shots au mono. He isn't conforming to any traditional expectations of the office, he sees it his way and he's living the dream. Anybody that doesn't like that will find theirself on the outside looking in tout de suite.

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