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24 Year Streak Of Brothers Playing Football For The Same High School Comes To An End
Having a pair of siblings on the same team or four brothers play on the same high school football squad in a five-year span isn't what you'd call big news. But when a Minnesota high school football team boasts 24 straight seasons with at least one player with the same last name on the team -- well, you stand up and take notice. When all of those players happen to be brothers, that streak becomes all the more unbelievable.

According to the Hearld Journal News, this season will mark the end of an unbelievable streak, as the last male member of the Aho family, senior wide receiver Seth Aho, prepares to end his high school football career at Dassel-Cokato (Minn.) High. The Aho patriarch and matriarch, Tom and Karen, had 15 children in all, and all 12 boys played football at Dassel-Cokato.

Dating back to 1989 when Steve Aho first played at Dassel-Cokato, 12 Aho boys have played football at the school, and five have gone on to play football at the collegiate level.

"It's kind of crazy with it being that long," Seth told the Herald Journal News. "People remember Ahos from a while ago, but they don't realize it was my brother."

The Aho name was actually supposed to be on the roster for at least two more years after Seth graduated, but Steve moved his family, which included his son James, who was a sophomore at Dassel-Cokato, to end the streak at 24 straight seasons.

Considering all the games and hours spent in the stands watching 12 boys play high school football, you'd think Tom and Karen Aho would be ready for a season without football. But that couldn't be further from the truth.

"That will probably be hard for me," Karen told the Herald Journal News. "I love watching my boys out there. It brings tears to my eyes when I think about that. When this season is done, I will probably feel it."

We highlight incredible stats and records all the time on this site and question whether the record could ever be broken. Who knows if there's a record for most consecutive seasons played with a sibling on the football roster, but this is likely a streak that, unless the Duggars or a family with a bunch of boys start playing football, you likely won't see matched in the future.

I wish the story told more.
It does say 5 of them played college ball.
I wonder if any ever won a state?
That's cool the dad want know wat to do not watching a son playing ball
Wow 15 kids. And 12 of them boys. I can't imagine.
Such a great story.
This is pretty neat
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
They spelled Olinger wrong.

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