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Should computers be banned?
If a conservative hates using computers, the conservative would use them as little as possible. If a liberal hates using computers, then they will push to have computers banned. One of my liberal friends today mentioned his hate for computers. So tell me liberals, should we ban computers?
I worry about you.
I worry about BOTH of you!
Luddites of the world unite
We should not ban computers......just dumb people using them....
I think it's a legitimate topic. Liberals try to ban anything they don't like. Since my liberal friend don't like computer, I wondered if liberals would be making a push for them to be banned.
^ This is as legitimate of a topic as Santa being brought up on charges for International Labor laws against Elves. This is DUMB!
^ it is legitimate in that it's a sarcastic expression of how liberals want to "ban" anything that they don't believe in. All in the name of tolerance.

If a conservative doesn't like meat, he doesn't eat meat. If a liberal doesn't like meat, he want meat to be banned.
WideRight05 Wrote:^ it is legitimate in that it's a sarcastic expression of how liberals want to "ban" anything that they don't believe in. All in the name of tolerance.

If a conservative doesn't like meat, he doesn't eat meat. If a liberal doesn't like meat, he want meat to be banned.
I think in the scheme of things, you will find that liberals are a lot more tolerant of others than you all. You conservatives want to ban all things you think are immoral. Any difference? I think you are thinking backwards, it's conservatives that want to ban things they don't like.
TheRealVille Wrote:I think in the scheme of things, you will find that liberals are a lot more tolerant of others than you all. You conservatives want to ban all things you think are immoral. Any difference? I think you are thinking backwards, it's conservatives that want to ban things they don't like.

CONSERVATIVES DO NOT WANT TO BAN ALL THINGS WE KNOW ARE IMMORAL. We just don't want the legislators of the government of the United States or activist judges, to declare them legal. And, we don't want our government to force us to pay for the slaughter of the innocents, by the millions, through taxpayer funded abortions. BTW, listen to your hero assuring all of America that ACA will not fund abortions standing in front of the new altar of 'lying wonders', the White House.

Here is the truth of the matter; Matthew Clark, JD, Associate Counsel with the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) in Media and Government Affairs, stated in his Jan. 18, 2012 article "How ObamaCare Uses Taxpayer Money to Pay for Abortions," available at

"...[T]he law specifically provides that state health exchanges may cover abortions unless the state enacts specific legislation prohibiting abortion coverage. Moreover, the law's requirement that insurance providers cover ‘preventive services' and preventative care are so broadly defined that they could be used to force coverage of abortions and abortion related drugs. Thus, all Americans are forced to purchase health insurance that could cover abortion and in some cases is required to cover abortion...

...[T]here is no language in ObamaCare that prevents tax dollars from being used to pay for abortions. The proposed amendment to ObamaCare that would have prevented all taxpayer funding for abortions that was debated in Congress, known as the Stupak-Pitts Amendment, was not included in the final bill signed by President Obama...

Now, are you lying, or are you just unwilling to accept the position of others?

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