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Something should be done about this
The Presidents' comments on gun control got me thinking....................If we could only say one childs life maybe we should have Swimming pool control next. About 10 people drown everyday on average in swimming pools. That's about 3500 per year according to the CDC.

Do all pools need to be drained?:notbad:
Or have all beaches, rivers, lakes and other bodies of water restriced to 2 feet high to avoid the high capacity of water.
Or heck.... Ban gasoline containers to less than 1/2 gallon to prevent the possibility of using excess amounts of gas as a bomb or burn something.
Pulp Fiction Wrote:Or heck.... Ban gasoline containers to less than 1/2 gallon to prevent the possibility of using excess amounts of gas as a bomb or burn something.

Such is the true nature of overregulation. At some point those being regulated will have to rebel or continue to submit to the stupidity. The only way to get out of this waking nightmare is via the vote. We must take back the Senate in 2014 to get the loons like Reid back on their heels.
Since FDR's attempts to regulate anything and everything, every dem has continued on the tradition, luckily, most attempts have failed.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Since FDR's attempts to regulate anything and everything, every dem has continued on the tradition, luckily, most attempts have failed.

Run, you are definitely on a roll. In fact, FDR was in every way the face and forerunner of today's liberal democrat and Mr Obama in particular, is striving to be the personification, if not reincarnation, of FDR himself. In just the same manner we might do a remake of an old movie like "Total Recall", sprucing and zesting it up with modern day special effects, Obama is trying his best to replay the FDR era page by page. (with a little green gestapo tactics by a out of control EPA stirred in to "BANG", kick it up a notch)

Matter of fact, the inflamatory rhetoric seen in the media of today first reared it's counterproductive head during the years FDR was president. Notice the assault on the supreme court bolded in the following excerpt; "The election-night jubilation (FDR has just recieved news he has won reelection) was tempered, however, by an inescapable fear—that the U.S. Supreme Court might undo Roosevelt’s accomplishments. From the outset of his presidency, FDR had known that four of the justices—Pierce Butler, James McReynolds, George Sutherland and Willis Van Devanter—would vote to invalidate almost all of the New Deal. They were referred to in the press as “the Four Horsemen,” after the allegorical figures of the Apocalypse associated with death and destruction. In the spring of 1935, a fifth justice, Hoover-appointee Owen Roberts—at 60 the youngest man on the Supreme Court—began casting his swing vote with them to create a conservative majority." Eerily similar to the Obama fears of ObamaCare being struck down by a conservatively dominated SCOTUS.

FDR tried to control and manipulate the SCOTUS, by attempting to plant or appoint a liberal majority as well which, fortunately failed. He tried to run over the law in much the same manner modern day liberals are trying to, only modern day liberals seem to be enjoying more success. Largely because of one man, Chief Justice John Roberts. Roberts with his swing vote managed to undo years of sound juris prudence and set the clock back to the chaotic days of the 30's, when liberal dimwits were in midst of their first attempt to redefine America as a nation of overregulation.

To my way of thinking, the following links should be required reading for every American ----LINK


It is uncanny to consider the similarity of their adminstrations, and Obama's borderline personality compulsion to try to control American finance. In no way did America's problems of 2008 compare to the devastated economic landscape of the depression era 30's but, one would never know that by Obama's rhetoric. Obama speaking----“I don't think we fully realized how dramatic some of the changes would be as we came into office,” he told supporters, citing his administration’s handling of the banking crisis, intervening in the auto industry, passing equal pay legislation, investing in education and clean energy, doubling exports, ending a war, “as promised,” and working on drawing down troops in Afghanistan this year."


This is what we get for electing a 'honorary prof' and one time community organizer, novice politician as president.

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