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Twelve Reasons Why I Voted Democratic
I just got this in an email and thought it worth repeating. I rarely send emails on, even with a promise of wealth if I do and bubonic plague if I do not. Since I am a little concerned with plagiarism, the name “James W Anderson” appeared at the bottom of this email, so credit to him and certainly not to me.

Twelve reasons why I voted Democratic:

1) I voted Democratic because I love the fact that I can now marry whatever I want. I now may marry my Labrador.
2) I voted Democratic because I believe oil companies’ profits of 4$ on a gallon of gas are obscene but the Government axing the same gallon of gas at 15% is not.
3) I voted Democratic because I believe the Government will do a better job of spending the money that I have earned than I would
4) I voted Democratic because Freedom of Speech is fine as long as I agree with what is sand and nobody else is offended by it.
5) I voted Democratic because I’m way too irresponsible to own a gun and I now that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves.
6) I voted Democratic because I believe that people who can’t tell us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in 10 years if I don’t start driving a Pries.
7) I voted Democratic because I’m not concerned about millions of babies being aborted so long as we keep all death row inmates alive and comfortable.
8) I voted Democratic because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care, education and Social Security benefits, and we should take away the Social Security from those who paid into it.
9) I voted Democratic because I believe that businesses should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. The need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as the Democrats see fit.
10) I voted Democratic because I believe liberal Judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters
11) I voted Democratic because I think that it’s better to pay billions for their oil to people who hate us but not drill our own because it might upset some endangered beetle, gopher or fish.
12) I voted Democratic because my head is so firmly misplaced toward the south end of my body; it’s unlikely that I’ll ever have another point of view

No trees, Spotted Owls or Red Cock-headed Woodpeckers were harmed in the sending of this message.
apologize for all the typos!! Getting old.
Great post Granny.
I loved this so funny
I just couldn't figure why anyone would vote democrat now I know. THANKS
bad hop Wrote:I just couldn't figure why anyone would vote democrat now I know. THANKS

That would be hilarious if we weren't staring at the elimination of traditional America. Liberals view living in America to be sort of like the ultimate insurance policy. Not only do liberals embedded in state and federal government guarantee one will never know what need feels like, whether they work or not, neither will that insurance policy cost them so much as one single dime.

Yes sir. Whether one be citizen, legal or illegal alien, or of foreign shores and just passing through our college system free of charge. America is the one place on earth where one is guaranteed to get anything and everything he may desire. All extorted from working Americans by Uncle Sam and redistributed to everybody, from future terrorists like Yemeni immigrant Anwar al-Awlaqi, to mountain dew drinking, zombie killing do nothings, who tally nearly as many illegitimate children as their all-time-high zombie kill count.

That is the kind of thing that happens when liberals are at the helm. Today in the US Senate, Harry Reid has that same crazed look Pelosi had when she did her part to ram ObamaCare through the House. Liberals are on a mission that has absolutely nothing to do with the business of their constituencies and everything to do with the "fundamental transformation" spoken of by BHO to transform the face of America. They call it tolerance, I call it Secular Humanism. A celebration of (liberal) mankind, declaring himself to be sufficiently noble and enlightened enough to redefine the US Constitution, God's own law and, everything in between.

2014, is the next opportunity to sweep these glassy-eyed ideologues out of office. BTW, it certainly wouldn't hurt to lose a few RINO's somewhere along the way either, and that would include the influence Karl Rove seems to still hold over senate republicans in my book.
TheRealThing Wrote:That would be hilarious if we weren't staring at the elimination of traditional America. Liberals view living in America to be sort of like the ultimate insurance policy. Not only do liberals embedded in state and federal government guarantee one will never know what need feels like, whether they work or not, neither will that insurance policy cost them so much as one single dime.

Yes sir. Whether one be citizen, legal or illegal alien, or of foreign shores and just passing through our college system free of charge. America is the one place on earth where one is guaranteed to get anything and everything he may desire. All extorted from working Americans by Uncle Sam and redistributed to everybody, from future terrorists like Yemeni immigrant Anwar al-Awlaqi, to mountain dew drinking, zombie killing do nothings, who tally nearly as many illegitimate children as their all-time-high zombie kill count.

That is the kind of thing that happens when liberals are at the helm. Today in the US Senate, Harry Reid has that same crazed look Pelosi had when she did her part to ram ObamaCare through the House. Liberals are on a mission that has absolutely nothing to do with the business of their constituencies and everything to do with the "fundamental transformation" spoken of by BHO to transform the face of America. They call it tolerance, I call it Secular Humanism. A celebration of (liberal) mankind, declaring himself to be sufficiently noble and enlightened enough to redefine the US Constitution, God's own law and, everything in between.

2014, is the next opportunity to sweep these glassy-eyed ideologues out of office. BTW, it certainly wouldn't hurt to lose a few RINO's somewhere along the way either, and that would include the influence Karl Rove seems to still hold over senate republicans in my book.

I resent the bold statement! I love Mountain Dew (in small amounts, of course :rockon: ) and zombie-killing, and I have both a job and have no illegitimate (or legitimate yet) offspring!

vundy33 Wrote:I resent the bold statement! I love Mountain Dew (in small amounts, of course :rockon: ) and zombie-killing, and I have both a job and have no illegitimate (or legitimate yet) offspring!


LOL, yeah but you've got a brain. So, what's your all time kill count? Confusednicker:
vundy33 Wrote:I resent the bold statement! I love Mountain Dew (in small amounts, of course :rockon: ) and zombie-killing, and I have both a job and have no illegitimate (or legitimate yet) offspring!


Mountain Dew rocks. I have given pop up (16 months and counting!) but gosh, what I would do to have a little bit of Mountain Dew. Lol.
Lol man, same here...I came home for nearly two weeks this month on my vacation and decided to hardly work out as well as eat and drink what I wanted. Ton of Mt Dew...when I went for my usual run I felt like I was going to die, hahaha. Just a few short years ago I could do that easily lol.
WideRight05 Wrote:Mountain Dew rocks. I have given pop up (16 months and counting!) but gosh, what I would do to have a little bit of Mountain Dew. Lol.

Tell us how you did it. I would so love to...:notworthy
jetpilot Wrote:Tell us how you did it. I would so love to...:notworthy

One thing I noted to do was to find a replacement for it. Water is always the best drink to consume, but if I just HAVE to drink something sugary, I will have a sweet tea or a lemonade. Both of which aren't the best for you, but ANYTHING would be better than all the acids going through you with pop. I gain weight almost from looking at something. Since dropping pop, I don't gain as fast. I will be happy to help you in any way, it's not easy...I am at close to 17 months now having done it. It makes a difference and you do feel better.
Yeah, I'm still amazed at how so many people don't quite realize how bad soda is for you, lol. Once I decided to enlist right around the end of my senior year, I had to drop a good 30-45 pounds to get down to 185. I had already dropped a good amount in the previous year just by cutting it down, but once I decided I wanted to enlist and had a certain weight I had to get to, I cut it out completely. I lost that weight easily once I cut out soda completely, and was at 185 within 3 months while gaining muscle. I still work out nearly as much as I did in the Army and actually run more, so I do drink soda now but just not a lot. Even cutting it out a little helps tremendously I think.

Looks like we did a good job at changing the subject, hahaha. But good post GrannyBear, I like it lol.

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