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Government Shutdown
Let me see if I understand this. The good folks of very nearly state in the union have sent at least one Republican lawmaker to the US Congress to represent their interests in our representative form of government. And yet Obama, along with sock puppets Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have sworn to refrain from any negotiations with Congressional Republicans in either the upper or the lower Houses of the Congress, in the matters of the people's business as it applies to ObamaCare and the federal budget. Is it just me or does that not disenfranchise all of the good folks from their right to be represented in US government? No wonder the notions of the original Boston Tea Party Colonialists have been reignited in the hearts of Americans as we see the reemergence of 'taxation without representation'. Which, BTW is a 'movement' not a party, no matter how many times democrats misrepresent the facts.

Watch Candidate Obama promise to work with Republicans and Democrats in his Iowa Caucus victory speech in 2004.

Unfortunately, ObamaCare is a central part of the platform on which he was twice elected. In a democracy, the majority does not yield to the minority. Tea partiers can fume all they want, they do not run this country and their numbers are dwindling while liberal constituencies are exploding.

As soon as 2016, and definitely by 2020, Texas becomes an in play state.
Pick6 Wrote:Unfortunately, ObamaCare is a central part of the platform on which he was twice elected. In a democracy, the majority does not yield to the minority. Tea partiers can fume all they want, they do not run this country and their numbers are dwindling while liberal constituencies are exploding.

As soon as 2016, and definitely by 2020, Texas becomes an in play state.

All the Republicans are saying is that they have been left out of the process when it comes to ObamaCare and the budget. You remember back during the first two years of the Obama era when Democrats had a super majority, how Reid and Pelosi played blue dog democrats for fools with the bait and switch regarding whether or not the federal government would fund abortions in order to get their votes, do you not? The Cornhusker Kickback? The Louisiana Purchase? Scott Brown getting snookered out of the privilege of voting on the ACA altogether? Democrats had to do that because it was the only way they could get the thing passed devoid of a single Republican vote. That being said. Republicans are in uncharted territory as never in history has the congressional majority completely closed out the minority. So, looking for a way to force the President and Senate Democrats to include them in on this legislation, has put Republicans and the millions who make up their constituencies on the outside looking in. What's unfortunate was that it was passed at all, much less that Democrats would disenfranchise millions of Americans by not allowing their duly elected representatives a voice in government.

Saw on the news only minutes ago. According to reporter Jim Angle, under the auspices of ObamaCare and it's inordinately high deductibles across the board, the average insured will pay $500 dollars a month before his newly purchased entry level ObamaCare policy, (bronze level coverage) will pay the first dime. Tea Partiers don't understand the magic by which ObamaCare will seemingly be funded. Neither do they take kindly to being told their insurance premiums would go down 2500 dollars on average per year during his first term, only to see their premiums go up that much.

Now, with ObamaCare having been rolled out as of yesterday, all the warnings, pooh-poohing and speculations we've seen during the last three years of debate, will be either proven as fact or shown to be in error. Part of the problem is that the reforms that needed to be accomplished are not addressed at all in the ObamaCare provision. As recently as today, we were being told that even during ObamaCare's full implementation, only as many as 7 million will be enrolled under this massive federal take over of the US field of medicine. That would still leave 30 million uninsured which, puts passage of the bill in direct opposition to it's stated purpose.

Maybe I missed something during the last few decades but, I don't see where federal governmental incursion into the field of education helped. I don't see where implementation of Lyndon Baines Johnson's "Great Society" helped. And I don't have the faith to believe this latest governmental attempt to help "everybody" acquire affordable medical insurance and care associated therewith, will fare any better. FWIW, that Tea Partier fuming you mention is the function and process of government as guaranteed by the Constitution. Further, just because the Democrats have the temerity to refer to them publicly as if they are a bunch of idiots, while they openly espouse the interests of their own pet special interest groups is far from laudable.

Where did you get your information as to the ranks of the Teal Party Movement dwindling and liberals exploding? BTW, the lights will go out long before Texas goes liberal.
Pick6 Wrote:Unfortunately, ObamaCare is a central part of the platform on which he was twice elected. In a democracy, the majority does not yield to the minority. Tea partiers can fume all they want, they do not run this country and their numbers are dwindling while liberal constituencies are exploding.

As soon as 2016, and definitely by 2020, Texas becomes an in play state.

You can't be serious. Are you that stupid or just unaware? First off, the tea party hasn't had any control. They didn't even exist until 2010. Second, it was that recent that the republicans swept the house. You can talk obamacare, which was rammed through congress, being the law all you want but it still doesn't change the fact that a majority of people are against it.

Hey everyone, looks like we've got a real live one here. Confusednicker:
WideRight05 Wrote:You can't be serious. Are you that stupid or just unaware? First off, the tea party hasn't had any control. They didn't even exist until 2010. Second, it was that recent that the republicans swept the house. You can talk obamacare, which was rammed through congress, being the law all you want but it still doesn't change the fact that a majority of people are against it.

Hey everyone, looks like we've got a real live one here. Confusednicker:

^Well, if deductibles turn out to be as high as was reported in the last news cycle, he'll be backing off, that's for sure. I've been pointing out that an insurance policy which only provides 60% coverage, puts paying for medical care out of reach for most folks. However, that is the ratio required to force people who do pay at least partially for their health care, to pay for those who do not pay. And FWIW, for anybody to be acting like the law is something sacred to be cherished and adhered to by these liberal jokers, is laughable. If they cared about the law they wouldn't be so actively involved in installing liberal judges in strategic districts, such as the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit based in San Francisco, California, so they can wage their campaign to change so much of the existing law. Like I've said, our court system and laws are merely tools that liberals and other special interest groups like to use to get their way on matters of the so-called social justice. Using the law to run over the law is their default tactic. Case in point would be the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell. That was the law until Obama and his band of merry usurpers rode into town and used their super majority to overturn that particular law during their two year steamrolling spree in which they meticulously went down their list of liberal/progressive priorities.

No, this bunch in fact hates the law of their fathers, traditional America. They want unlimited access to government funded abortion on demand. Legalized recreational drugs, gay rights which again, involves federal funding, even more lavish entitlements and they want to get that Keynesian money conveyor revved up to provide all of the above. Let those stupid God loving right wingers pay for it, LOL. And don't think they wouldn't love to keep control of the Senate and regain control of the House. Reid and Pelosi are already licking their chops in anticipation of winning the mid-terms of 2014. By my reckoning, the true end of traditional America if voters were to reaffirm liberalism and Keynesian economics yet again.

Democrats have accused Republicans of acting like children on this governmental shutdown business. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it wasn't a Republican that gave the order to spend the money required to completely wall off the open air WW2 monument in DC with metal barricades, complete with signage and police barricade tape to deny WW2 Vets a visit to the memorial. Pure unadulterated eyewash. One would have to be totally intoxicated on the Kool-Aid to believe any of this stuff, from the sequester to the present shut down, has the first thing to do with governmental good stewardship of taxpayer funds. I mean, you had two options here, let the open air memorial stand unattended as is the usual case thusly spending not a cent, or spend thousands of dollars for materials and labor to wall it off as is not the usual case, duh. Like everything else from Benghazi to closing down the White House and the WW2 memorial to tours, it's politicizing the moment for the propaganda purposes of this administration.
^ welcome back RV

If small business can be delayed a year plus union carve outs and other groups exempt from ObamaCare including Congress. Why can't the individual mandate be postponed a year? That's all the GOP is pushing for right now
The problem with exempting individuals is that those with no health care insurance can go get treated in any emergency room with no financial responsibility and accountability what so ever. So, who absorbs the cost, thats right you and me as taxpayers. By opposing the individual mandate, you are actually allowing a culture of individual irresponsibility to continue.
nky Wrote:^ welcome back RV

If small business can be delayed a year plus union carve outs and other groups exempt from ObamaCare including Congress. Why can't the individual mandate be postponed a year? That's all the GOP is pushing for right now

LOL. The liberal explosion remark did smack very familiarly.
Pick6 Wrote:The problem with exempting individuals is that those with no health care insurance can go get treated in any emergency room with no financial responsibility and accountability what so ever. So, who absorbs the cost, thats right you and me as taxpayers. By opposing the individual mandate, you are actually allowing a culture of individual irresponsibility to continue.

Whereas under the jackboot of the individual mandate. People who can and do pay for at least part of their own care will be forced to pay much higher rates and care costs due to this liberal attempt to subjugate those who are responsible and work to finance their way in this world into servitude, forcing them to absorb the costs of care for those who do not work or contribute in any way to the "common good".

The fact that Americans have, over the decades managed to provide care for the indigent, doesn't mean we should allow liberals embedded in the federal government to legislate these good graces, as if being cared for is an unalienable fundamental right, on the order of the right to pursue happiness.

But, you're exactly right. It is all in the demographics. Especially regarding your remarks about the political shake up in Texas. This so-called shake up is the result of a massive federally condoned influx of illegal aliens from Mexico. The Latino vote is threatening to undermine the conservative majority there in Texas. This is why Democrats deny any state legislation which would require valid voter ID's. Dems couldn't engineer Republican defeats if they had to be restricted by law to not allow what is estimated to potentially amount to millions of illegal votes which, would certainly be cast for their democratic husbandmen and women. And, Obama is certainly not willing to do without his right hand hatchet man Holder, to propagate the Democratic war on Republicans. Hence the fierce defense on his behalf. No, they'd much rather hand over the entire south to Mexico rather than chance further Republican election victories to take place, IMO. What's the saying, "better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven'? In any event, sometimes victory comes at too high a price. No country can survive by the solicitation of millions of would be welfare recipients for the sake of their vote.
your tea party folks are playing right in the democrats hands
seems to me it's the Democrats in the Senate who have kept the government closed. They will not conference, they will not take a vote, they will not speak to the house.
vector Wrote:your tea party folks are playing right in the democrats hands

nky Wrote:seems to me it's the Democrats in the Senate who have kept the government closed. They will not conference, they will not take a vote, they will not speak to the house.

Whoa there. That's a pretty complex argument nky. :biggrin: When dealing with liberal true believers, one must keep it simple. Like a bobber floating on the lake surface, we dare not go too deeply into reality. A slogan or catch phrase will do just fine there, brother 99 percenter. All you need to know is that Democrats are "fer the werkin man", and Republicans are selfish rich jerks. And, how do we know this? Easy, the Democrats said so! Yeah, those right wingers who put an emphasis on God and traditional morals are the ones we can't trust. Everybody just needs to get in line with the takers. I mean, who knew selfless sacrifice for God, country and family wasn't noble?

I have always thought it to be ironic that a collection of self absorbed kooks, who care for nothing except their own special interests, would choose to make name calling their default setting. To be normal in the eyes of democrats, one must hail from among the sexually depraved, the illegally immigrated, or the unemployed for life, willing to vote as many times as necessary in the same election, and willing to disregard America's glorious past in favor of the new and "fundamentally changed" America. :please:

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