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Michael Sam - First openly gay player in the NFL
My personal opinion of this guy is that he did this to garner more money and protect his place in the draft. Once drafted he is the golden gay. Anything that happens to him on or off the field will be reported and written about, if I were a NFL GM I wouldn't draft him if he were the last guy on the board because it's a no win situation. Can you imagine cutting or trading this guy? Media would crucify that organization for years.
I don't think Michael Sam will have many, if any problems from other players in the NFL as long as he proves he can contribute on the field. I think the issue Sam and his future teammates will face is how the media handles it. It's common at training camp for tempers to flare when it's 95 degrees with high humidity. If Sam gets into a little shoving match, will the news blow it out of proportion?
toussaints Wrote:I don't think Michael Sam will have many, if any problems from other players in the NFL as long as he proves he can contribute on the field. I think the issue Sam and his future teammates will face is how the media handles it. It's common at training camp for tempers to flare when it's 95 degrees with high humidity. If Sam gets into a little shoving match, will the news blow it out of proportion?

Yes. The media blows everything out of proportion.
After watching ESPN do a 20 minutes piece on Jason Collins tipping a ball tonight, I just have to laugh. Im no tweeter but they even had to do a little story on the positive tweets about it. Ill give one of my own.

RunItUpTheGut Wrote:After watching ESPN do a 20 minutes piece on Jason Collins tipping a ball tonight, I just have to laugh. Im no tweeter but they even had to do a little story on the positive tweets about it. Ill give one of my own.


I think Collins and the Nets worked out this contract just so he could be titled the "First Openly Gay Professional Athlete". I think he got a little jealous and the media attention his fellow friend was getting....

The funniest thing about it all is when you read comment sections even on places like CNN and MSNBC.
If you go to those articles, its being inaccurately portrayed that everyone in this country believes that way, when its inherently obvious from the comments alone, even on liberal sites, that people speak as though they cannot stand it.
Just my two cents, but I think the media is trying to blind us with all these "polls"
I have no issue with this being Gay and playing in the NFL. My biggest issue is how much attention he is getting because of it. He was drafted in the 7th round! How many 7th rounders get the air time he is getting. Sure he is gay but this is about football! He is getting more air time than the #1 pick!
Now you see why he came out as homo.
Look at the attention. What your not seeing is that the majority of tweets and post on ESPN (prolly 90%) are about hating this crap.
Bluecat Wrote:I have no issue with this being Gay and playing in the NFL. My biggest issue is how much attention he is getting because of it. He was drafted in the 7th round! How many 7th rounders get the air time he is getting. Sure he is gay but this is about football! He is getting more air time than the #1 pick!

RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
Now you see why he came out as homo.
Look at the attention. What your not seeing is that the majority of tweets and post on ESPN (prolly 90%) are about hating this crap.

Makes me thankful that I do not have cable and be forced to hear about this 24/7
I heard a good joke today..
He's going in at tight end..
Coming out as a wide receiver.
If Ray Rice can be accepted back in Ravens-land , Sam will be ok n St. Louis.i

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