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Keynesian Economics Revisisted 30 Years Later
It cost the US miserably to relearn the destructive effects of Keynesian Economics in the mid 70's during the Carter Administration. Fortunately for Americans in that day, Carter was not reelected and Ronald Reagan was able to reverse the economic slide begun by Carter and his Keynesian kook buddies. Unfortunately for Americans in our day, Dems got much better at selling the lie, and thus, like the man who survives the gallows over and over, we too are forced to relive the same financial nightmare over and over again, this time under new management. Reelected new management, in fact. To exacerbate the problem, if Dems have their way, we will continue to endure the nightmare at least until the year 2020, by electing Hillary to sit the captain's chair.

So far this time, the tuition price tag for our Keynesian re-educational experience totals a mind swelling 12 to 15 trillion in new debt.

“The Obama Administration and its liberal allies in Congress forgot the dismal performance of Keynesian-type deficit spending as a stimulus of growth in the 1960s and 1970s and embarked on an aggressive deficit spending policy anyway.”That is why I have called Obama’s economic policies Rip Van Winkle economics, because Obama seems to have slept through that 25 year economic boom, and to be totally unaware of everything that happened then, in his own country.

The myth of Keynesian economics is based on a failure to take into account basic double entry bookkeeping. If the government spends more, where does the money for that increased spending come from? (SNIP) That is why this Keynesian nostrum never worked in the 1930s, as the recession of 1929 extended into the decade long Great Depression, and it hasn’t worked anywhere else since."

Like I have been saying, the Keynesian economic model espoused by the liberal, has failed over and over again in the past, but, thanks to effective repackaging and propaganda, we just cannot seem to learn the lesson. Unlike the lessons of the past however, there is one very notable qualifier in our case. That being the 15 trillion in potential debt, at which we are looking down the gun barrel presently. Add that to the 10 trillion left over by George W and that number swells to 25 trillion, before interest. In my view, an impossible number to repay. If an escape ramp exists, it would have to be the mid-terms of 2014. Therefore if voters thumb their nose at shouldering responsibly the burdens of citizenship yet again, by voting to keep the perks coming this November, we will see this ship of state slam up onto the rocky shores of financial ruin.

BEN FRANKLIN---- "When the people find they can vote themselves money, it will herald the end of the republic."

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