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Obama Ignores Vets To Process ACA Apps.
If this article is true, then the Obama administration has sunk to a new low. According to this article they have taken VA employees who process veterans applications for health care, to process those of the ACA.

The whistleblower also claims that 17,000 VA applications have been destroyed.
I've seen several articles on this too, and it seemed plausible to me. Just like the occasion when it was reported that he ignored Ambassador Stevens and the brave Americans whose lives were forfeited in Benghazi, while he was focused instead on a fund raiser for the next day out in Las Vegas. Or there was this one;

"President Obama himself, having delivered a limp warning to Vladimir Putin, decamped for a meeting of the Democratic National Committee, where he told a cheering crowd: “Well, it’s Friday, it’s after 5:00. So this is officially happy hour with the Democratic Party.”

However, this one has to be my favorite; "We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America." - Barack Obama 2008

If you ask me, it isn't about governance for this bunch. It's about forcing a system of belief (liberalism) on a nation. Therefore, this administration's prioritizing rationale, leaves most of us in the dust of bewilderment.
There are at least two promises Obama has kept, one transforming America and secondly bankrupting the coal industry and sky rocketing electric bills.
Why is it that liberals seem to not just ignore, but often look down on our military? That makes me sick.
WideRight05 Wrote:Why is it that liberals seem to not just ignore, but often look down on our military? That makes me sick.

A lot of people don't seem to remember this, but during the Clinton Era the US military was decimated too, though not to the level we have seen during this administration. Billy boy had it in for Reagan's version of the CIA as well, which therefore found itself unfunded and dehorned at his hand. See, liberals have been on some kind of holy pilgrimage to the 'undiscovered country' since the fall of the Soviet Union. And, as in the case of all of La-La Land's citizenry, somehow reality has managed to elude them. Thus the mock indignation with intel gathering, and interrogation practices such as waterboarding. Said indignation is nothing more than the liberal's contempt for sovereign America boiling up to the surface.

But, we were speaking of the La-La's talent for reality dodging. It was Ronald Reagan's strong hand of leadership, along with insightful economic and foreign policy, that brought down the USSR. I remember vividly that even before he was sworn in, Iran's sudden interest in returning the hostages became number one on their list of foreign policy goals. But, if you ask a liberal, they'd tell you it was the result man's betterment. Yes, according to them, "we are all getting better every day, in every way." - Emile Coue` Evolution's mystic forces are pushing mankind to a form of godhood, LOL.

Liberals are capable of incredible self deception. Most of the rest of us can remember the relative calm of the world since WW2, and all of us can remember the relative calm that was shattered on September 11, 2001. And yet, liberals manage to blame Republicans for the pressure cooker of unrest which is the world, and they see the US military as willing participants to that end. To a liberal, all the insurrection, terrorism and other forms of military aggression have been exacerbated by a global US military presence, and therefore advocate for a much smaller military, incapable of said global intervention. That in the face of unparalleled actions of war and terror all around us.

So, as was the case with the Clintons, this administration bears malice for the good our military intervention has done in the past. Have you seen the shrine to John Lennon in New York City's Central Park? The word "Imagine" is formed by a mosaic in the side walk. The notion of the whole world living together in peace, and "sharing all the world", is the stuff of the whimsical, or perhaps the poet. But with the possible exception of our own President, poets don't rise to power in this world, and as we have seen recently in Ukraine, societies cannot fend off the armies of would be conquerors with 'imagination' or presidential rhetoric. At any rate, the liberal sees a higher calling for this nation's tax dollar, than to maintain the world's premier military force. There are gifts to hand out to the people, and preparations to make in order to receive the vast hordes of illegal immigrants massing at our southern border.

This is the path the US will take as long as liberals are in power. And, this is the question the voter must ask himself before he votes in the coming mid-terms; Can we continue to do this? The liberals afore mentioned penchant for self deception set aside, we are bursting at the seams with illegal immigrants. You can bet, that this is a created disaster of epic proportion, and is intended to get the nuclear food fight going again between Dems and the vastly more clear minded Republicans, prior to the elections. To date, it surely is the 'mother' of all political diversions. But, what other choice would an administration so rife with ineptitudes and scandals galore have?

BTW, though both the scourge of illegal immigrants and contempt for our military are born of a common source, and I know this is off the immediate topic but, does logic not dictate that we must eventually limit the gush of unvetted and otherwise illegal and unwanted immigrants? In cutting to the chase, where are we going to draw the line? Out of the 7 billion people of the world, we can't take in everybody who suffers from need, which would be the vast majority of that number. Or, are we just going to declare the entire face of the planet, the USA, let the folks with need stay where they are, and just send their checks to their home address?

AFTR, the closest thing I've seen to a Ronald Reagan is none other than Mitt Romney. He's very much like him.

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