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Inspiring Story - Bill Sharp, Russell County HC
WBKO did a great piece on our Head Coach "Overcoming Obstacles" the Bill Sharp is on their website, google address below.

While many focused on the woes of Russell County football, this team was focused on the life lessons God was showing us through the grit and faith of our Head Coach who was diagnosed with kidney failure right before the season and has been batteling it the whole year. To the Glory of God, his kidney's are functioing now and he is getting stronger.

A lesser man would have quit, however, Coach determined to allow God to use him to impact our community. Our boys learned a great lesson on the power of prayer, faith, grit and determination.

They may not know it now, but the things they learned from our Coach this year as he coached despite a serious health issue and mind altering medications is testament to the power of prayer, and faith in God! These lessons trump any won-loss record and is the real victory and legacy of the 2014 Laker football team! This is what High School football truly is about.

If interested Google the website address below to see the piece on Coach Sharp!

Very very good story about life. Everyone should see the video very inspiring, thanks for sharing..

Living The Dream!!
^^ Thanks Panther nation, you guys have a real nice team. I hope you guys make a run!
Thanks for sharing. Great Man!! Enjoyed coaching against him.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing. Tough times dont last, but tough God fearing people do.

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