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Jackson resigns at South Laurel
Fly Like a Duck Wrote:I personally have never thought that the $$$ in education is that bad. Plenty of opportunities to make more than a good living.

BS to deal with? No doubt.

Especially when you consider that most people in the education field work 25% fewer days per year than people in the regular work force.
Didn't SL have some really good basketball teams? Seems like there used to be talent in the building. Is that part of the problem? Isn't that where Neal Warren played before Georgetown?
Their 99 squad with him at QB made it to the then 4A region finals, and I believe they had a season where they won a playoff game during Jep Irwin's tenure when Ricky Bowling was the QB & maybe a playoff win when Chappelle had him at QB.

I know they have been spread city down there since the state went Air Raid crazy back in the late 90s.

....might be time to change that way of thinking, but then again, getting the hell beat out of you in the gun, slinging it everywhere is for some reason more acceptable than under center and ramming it right at people.
SEKYFAN Wrote:Especially when you consider that most people in the education field work 25% fewer days per year than people in the regular work force.

Ehh..maybe once upon a time.

You always hear the saying that people teach because they can't do anything else, while I've always thought that those that do other things would have a hard time teaching (heck, most will tell you that they couldn't imagine doing it the job...want no part of it). Matter of fact, I've asked more than my share of people that question, "Well, if they do nothing and it's so easy, why don't you do it?" That's about the time you start taking notice of a large amount of crickets that you otherwise wouldn't hear....

Unless you are in the manual labor field, I don't know of too many professions that people are hitting it real hard the week before Christmas & that week after.

The same goes for the summer time, people take a week or two at least vacation time then.

Fall Break has made communties like ghost towns, and it's not exactly all teachers and their families who get out of dodge....just as much, if not more, it's many others--so, their profession are obviously allowing for that time off. Same goes for Spring Break....those beaches in FLA aren't all teachers & their families.

Going back to the manual labor professions, I have a good friend of mine who runs his own concrete business...he and his dad....the winter months, they aren't exactly hitting it real hard. Not a good time for it (as they have fully admitted). Same goes for construction....not a lot of houses being built during the winter as is the same for landscaping companies.

Most all professions have their adequate amount of downtime, and if you are a teacher/coach...especially if you are coaching football, there is no such thing as a summer anymore. You get your two week dead period, and
bobcatsfan Wrote:10+ is pretty good. But still after taxes are cut you still make maybe 8 or 9. Which would be around $50 a day thats just a guess. Yeah can't blame a man for wanting to get closer to family. In the end that's what it is all about anyways. Good luck to Coach Jackson and to South Laurel.

Around 6400 after taxes if you work in school system
South Laurel never ceases to amaze me.
I think this is just bad luck on their end. I really do.

Their 2013 hire gets an opportunity to take a head job on the collegiate level.

Now, Jackson leaves to take the Green County job, which is the area in which his wife is from. Family move.
They offered the job to young guy today
33 power Wrote:Let tell ya'll if any HS or lower coach is doing it for the money you do not need them. I know over 100 coaches that look at getting paid a little as just a bonus. Guys coach because they love it not the money.

WHY should coaches not want to make money???? I get sick of some of you saying that crap!!!!! Coaches have families! So you are saying they shouldn't try and get the most money they can. For the love bullcrap, sure coaches or most coaches love coaching but listen buddy it is a hell of a lot more bullcrap than coaching such as dealing with people like you that say that crap. My best friend is a head coach and during football season his family hardly sees him because he is busy helping others peoples kids. So don't say that for the love crap COACHES SHOULD GET PAID ALOT MORE THAN THEY DO and most coaches in this state and I am talking about head coaches they don't get paid poo. There are very few guys in this state making 10,000 bucks. Go south and say that crap and they will throw you out of the south.
SEKYFAN Wrote:Especially when you consider that most people in the education field work 25% fewer days per year than people in the regular work force.

What are you smoking? Most people go home after work and don't think about it until the next day. Teachers go home and do lesson plans and grade papers. And football coaches work 12 months year!!! Not to mention the parents that teachers and coaches have to put up with.
Offered the job to a young guy or to the Young guy?
Green pays 7,000.00 and until new coach total assistant pay was $5,000 a total of 12,000.00. I think when new coach came in they up assistants to $8,000.00. Great facilities for a small school.
It's time to call Coach Sizemore at Bracken County and say come on down.
OptionFootball Wrote:Green pays 7,000.00 and until new coach total assistant pay was $5,000 a total of 12,000.00. I think when new coach came in they up assistants to $8,000.00. Great facilities for a small school.

If their asst coaches are making that MUCH that might be the highest paid asst coaching staff ia 5 state radius.
Green Co has enjoyed some good seasons in football.
That's the total pool for assistants at Green.

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