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Lies that a Liberal once told me...
This should be fun. Its a play on the book, "Lies my teacher told me.."

The thread is simple: In the first sentence, tell the best/worst (depending on how you see it) lie you've heard from a liberal over the past year or two. Could be a friend, a pundit, a politician, or a news article. In the proceeding paragraph, show the error and provide some documentation/references.

The point of this is to show how easily that the truth can be found.

- Example -

President Obama Wrote:We have communicated in no uncertain terms... that that’s a red line for us and that there would be enormous consequences if we start seeing... the use of chemical weapons [in Syria].

Quote:[T]he Obama administration’s evidentiary case linking the Syrian government to [what they called] an “indiscriminate, inconceivable horror” — [includes] the use of outlawed toxins to kill nearly 1,500 civilians, including at least 426 children.
Washington Post 8/30/2013 -- Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack kills 426 Children, over 1400 civilians.

What that so hard? :Shaking:
"I did NOT have sex with that woman." - Bill Clinton

"If you like your plan, you can keep it." - Barack Obama

And then...

"You can't trust Republicans! They lie!" - Typical liberal
You didn't stay within Ronald Reagan's boundaries, so I will take that same liberty and post my all time favorite quote from any politician anywhere!!

"It depends what the definition of "is" is."

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