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Does Anyone Watch The 4400?
The third season just came out on DVD yesterday. I plan on picking it up sometime soon. I don't get the USA channel so I have to watch the show when it's released onto DVD. Does any else like this show?

The first and second seasons were really good and had a lot of cool twists and turns.

For anyone who hasn't seen the series, the show starts with a ball of light heading towards Earth. Expecting disaster, several people gather and prepare for the impact of the ball of light that's heading for Mt. Ranier. When the ball of light reaches the lake of Mt. Ranier, suddenly thousands of people appear. It is soon discovered that the 4400 people who magically appeared are people who mysteriously vanished over time. Some vanished a few months or years ago, while others disappeared as late as the 1950's.

None of the abducted remember where they were over the time they were gone, but they soon discover that some of the 4400 have been given special "powers" such as the ability to read minds, control things with their minds, and super human strength or quickness.

Throughout the series we learn that these newly acquired powers are meant to be used to save the human race from future occurrences.

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