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Harlan Ind
Any word on this job? Seems it’s been hush hush.
I'm not as close to the high school athletics as I used to be, but I haven't heard a word.
I'm hearing Amos McCreary.
Actually was able to talk to a couple today who are in the know.Was told it was offered to some assistant coach from Harrison Co.
You got me for a minute, I went and looked to see where Harlan, Indiana is at and there is one in Northern Indiana near Ft. Wayne and then I realized you meant independent
Anyone know their schedule for next year?
dragon_slayer Wrote:I'm hearing Amos McCreary.

Please tell me you are joking
I had heard your guy from Harrison was interested. If he turned it down I’m not sure where they look- mcReary or Musick maybe?
JerryGarcia Wrote:Please tell me you are joking

I was told today that his wife did take a job at Harlan Ind. Her family says he is not interested in coming back to Harlan County....period. Not Harlan or Harlan County.
Any luck on a ball coach for the dragons?
Scott Russel
Is Russell a Science or Math teacher? That’s what I hear they are looking for?
Russell is a good ball coach and he’s an everts guy if memory is correct.
Wasn’t Harlan a young team last season?
The county was a young team in 2018 almost everyone returning. Harlan Ind loses alot to graduation they will be young in 2019.
An assistant has been hire. Not sure why they are not doing media with the hire.
Flicka Wrote:An assistant has been hire. Not sure why they are not doing media with the hire.

The superintendent says no one has been hired.
double post
He has not been forthcoming with you HCS. I don’t understand why they don’t want it out yet.
Perry? Or Luttrell, Jr.
upcoming announcement at 2:45
Anybody know what kind of numbers the Dragons have had this summer?
Harlan Ind. will get crushed by Harlan Co. enough said

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