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Hurricane Gustav
Has caused a historical evacuation of 2 million people out of the state of Louisiana. Does anyone think that this will be another Katrina?
I'm not sure about the levees but at least the state of Louisiana is prepared this time.
I hope it isn't as bad as Katrina... but it looks like it could be very dangerous.
**Send me a pm if you have any questions or comments**

Sure is looking that way. I was trying to think of how it must feel after the clean-up efforts and people putting in NUMEROUS amounts of hours to get N.O. and other surrounding areas back to norm and then here comes, what could be Katrina 2. I would say that the population will decline an insane amount in the city of New Orleans. I think that the last count had the city at around 300,000.
ESPN was talking about it a little bit ago and it said that Gustav was dropped to a category 2 this morning. So things are looking a little bit better for Louisiana.
Yeah it has dropped to a category 2 but still anything can happen. Atleast most of the state has already been evacuated.
Said it veered away from New Orleans..
Didn't do as much damage as everyone thought it would. Evacuees will be able to return to their homes near the end of the week as the clean-up efforts begin.

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