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Obama's lies are starting to show through

CHARGE 4 - My family has strong ties to ‘African freedom’.”

EVIDENCE - Raila Odinga committed genocide while attempting to overturn the 2007 Kenyan elections. Senator Obama and Raila Odinga are first cousins. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2 , SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM – What does it matter what Senator Obama’s African relatives do in Africa?

REBUTTAL – Senator Obama campaigned for his cousin while on a visit to said country. Senator Obama claims a distinct debt to his familial ties, painting them in a light that is downright revisionist.

CHARGE 5 - “President Kennedy rescued my father from Kenyan obscurity and airlifted him to the American Dream.”

EVIDENCE – Senator Obama’s father came in September 1960, while EISENHOWER was President. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2

COUNTER CLAIM – But his father did come to the U.S. so what is the big deal?

REBUTTAL – Senator Obama misrepresents historical events. No speech by President John F. Kennedy brought Senator Obama’s father to the U.S. in 1960. John F. Kennedy was not President in 1960, Dwight D. Eisenhower was President. The Senator is attempting to subtly equate himself with J.F.K., subconsciously implying he would be a similar President. Senator Obama, you are no Jack Kennedy.

CHARGE 6 - “My Kenyan Grandmother has always been a Christian.”

EVIDENCE - Senator Obama’s Grandmother’s own interviews contradict this statement. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2

COUNTER CLAIM – What does it matter what Senator Obama’s African relatives do?

REBUTTAL –It goes to a person’s character and willingness to evade, distort, or rewrite history. Senator Obama’s Grandmother does her daily Salat prayers at 5am according to her own interviews (per Islamic law). Not to mention, Christianity does not allow for a woman to be one of 14 wives to 1 man. Senator Obama’s use of his Grandmother as an example of how ‘Christian’ his family is, in order to counter accusations of secretly being a Muslim, sustains the idea that the Senator is deliberately distorting the truth to cover-up associations and ‘fatherly attributes’ that he knows are problematic to his election, should he be forthcoming about them. His decision to make statements patently false in order to propagate a more ‘electable’ image speaks not only to his character but to his judgment. Distortions or edits to evidence that wholly misrepresent the truth is dishonest.

CHARGE 7 - “My first name (Barack) is not Arabic - it is Swahili.”

EVIDENCE – Senator Obama’s name is Arabic in origin, not Swahili. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3, Columnist Says Barack Obama ‘Lied To The American People;’ Asks Publisher to Withdraw Obama’s Book, NEW YORK, Aug. 10 /PRNewswire/

COUNTER CLAIM - What does it matter where Senator Obama’s name originates?

REBUTTAL - If the origin of his name doesn’t matter, then why publicly lie about it? There is no transliteration between the alphabets of Arabic and Swahili. The Africanized derivative of the Arabic ‘Baraka’ is Barack, but the origin and source is entirely Arabic. Senator Obama again distorts the facts in an attempt to distance himself from associations he deems politically inexpedient. Senator Obama’s middle name, Hussein, is also Arabic. Naturally, so is the Senator’s last name, Obama.

CHARGE 8 - “I never practiced Islam.”

EVIDENCE – Senator Obama practiced Islam daily at Meteng Primary school, where he was registered as a Muslim. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM - What does it matter whether Senator Obama practiced Islam as a child?

REBUTTAL – If there is no importance to the fact that Senator Obama practiced Islam as a child, then what is the motivation for lying about it publicly? Indonesia requires students to study religion. Barry Soetoro was registered as a Muslim at the Meteng Primary School. One cannot participate in any studies within a Madrassa without practicing Islam.

CHARGE 9 - “My school in Indonesia was Christian.”

EVIDENCE – Senator Obama was registered as a Muslim at Meteng Primary School. The school offered Christian classes as well. Barry Soetoro did not attend them. He later spent 2 years in a Catholic school SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2

COUNTER CLAIM - What does it matter that Senator Obama’s school was Islamic or Catholic?

REBUTTAL - Again, If there is no importance to the fact that Senator Obama practiced Islam as a child, then what is the motivation for lying about it publicly? Indonesia requires all students to study religion. Barry Soetoro was enrolled as a Muslim at the Menteng Primary School where he studied among other subjects, Islam. In 1969 Barry attended a Catholic School. This is the only schooling Senator Obama discusses, thus Meteng has been somewhat covered up. Why one would ask? The only conclusion that can be drawn from this scenario is that Senator Obama lied about this school and its subject matter for political expediency. In later comments the Senator stated he did not attend an Islamic school, but in his book “Dreams Of My Father” he states that he ‘got in trouble for making faces in Koranic studies’ and was disciplined by his mother. One would ask how many Catholic students remember being taught the Koran by their nuns.

CHARGE 14 - “I understand what it is to be an African American.”

EVIDENCE – Senator Obama is not African American according to U.S. Law. Senator Obama is an Arab-American according to U.S. Law. SOURCE 1, SOURCE 2, SOURCE 3

COUNTER CLAIM - Senator Obama’s father is from Kenya (Black African) and he (Obama) was born in America. How can you say he is not African American?

REBUTTAL – Senator Obama’s racial background consists of the following: 50% white (mother, both sides), 43.25% Arabic (father, both sides), and 6.25% African ***** (father, one side, 1 generation removed). 12.5% is the legal threshold one must prove to claim racial status under the law. In addition, Senator Obama cannot make a sociological claim as an African American either. He was not raised as an African American, was not raised by African Americans, and was not raised in an African American neighborhood.
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