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Anyone watch the UFC block on Spike?
UFC had 4 differnt shows on tonite. the knockout one was pretty good but wasnt near long enough. plus the new episode of Ultimate Fighter 2 sucked.
i would like to see them at the civic center. I like watching them more than wrestling... if only i was about 10 years younger HAHAHA
I watched an episode of Ultimate Fighter with mt brother because he's into that sutff, it was pretty entertaining.
I watched the Knockout show with my dad, it was really good. Ultimate Fighter was alright tonight but not nearly as good as it could have been.
yea Dan was horrible. Seth should have killed him
The whole show wasn't living up the expectations, last season was pretty good but now...ehh..
The Knockout show was really great, just to see those hits, shew lord.
I have always wanted to take boxing lessons and last night my parents and I were talking about the show and I showed them what I would do if I ever had to fight again, lol it was funny.
if ya need a sparring partner just give me a yell tribe.. I promise not to hit too hard lo..
Does UK get Spike?
i think this year's show is goin to start to get better.
crazytaxidriver Wrote:if ya need a sparring partner just give me a yell tribe.. I promise not to hit too hard lo..

I will be sure to let you know. lmao
I can hit hard for a girl. I learned many different techniques from various boyfriends. One was a high school wrestler so I learned grapling (sp?), the other lifted weights and played high school football so we play fought and he kept me on my toes, and the other one taught me some boxing moves and we sparred a few times but I hit below the belt lmao...
thetribe Wrote:I will be sure to let you know. lmao
I can hit hard for a girl. I learned many different techniques from various boyfriends. One was a high school wrestler so I learned grapling (sp?), the other lifted weights and played high school football so we play fought and he kept me on my toes, and the other one taught me some boxing moves and we sparred a few times but I hit below the belt lmao...

lol.. hitting below the belt is uncalled for lol.. and not nice..
He took off his gloves and tickled me, I didn't do it hard, we were playing around. Didn't want to harm him, not there either, that was my boyfriend after all lol
and u hit him in his happy button? shew thats no good at all.
I didn't hit him hard, just a tap after he tickled me, a girl has to use tactics lol
LoL exactly tribe...
FINALLY! Support!
I knew the girls would see my side at least.

I once pulled a knife out on a boyfriend that was tickling me and I told him to stop and he wouldn't.....
Okay that's taking it a little too One of my ex's and I was play fighting one time and I hit him (it wasn't hard) and he hit me in the thigh really hard and I kicked him as hard as I could below the belt....It was mean but he deserved left a bruise on my leg...
I didn't harm him with knife, just put it to his wrist and told him that I would gut his arm like a fish if he tickled me anymore. He did it alllll day before that and I could not get to stop no matter what I did soooo I took measures that far. I hate being tickled.
I do too...some times I am extremely ticklish and sometimes I'm not.
Same here.

Ever wanted to take boxing lessons?
I took karate once and liked it rather well.
#21've always wanting one of those little punching bags that you can hang in your I took my anger out on one of my friend's one time and hit it so hard it oops... I told her her sister did
You two kids need to learn that unless a rape is taking progress you should never hit a dude in the mommy daddy button.. It's dangerous and could kill the poor boy and any hopes of a youngin.. if you have to kick him in the throat or something, but geesh not in the jimmy.. you kids these days.. too violent... lol
Lol...but CTD he HIT me....
Don't matter.. you don't hit in the nuts
He deserved it though you have no idea what else that guy did while I was with him...but I learnt my lesson so... Big Grin

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