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Paintsville v.s. South Laurel Nov. 26th At Rupp
Im going to down their to watch this one....hopefully its a good one.....what do u all think?
Paintsville has been rebuilding for the future, the future starts now, but the Cards will be way to tough in Rupp where they had a real good time the last time they were there.
Originally, this was not supposed to be the game that either team played during this showcase, but it is an interesting matchup. Obviously South is the better team going in. They still have momentum from last year's State Championship season and they have a lot of experience and confidence playing and winning in Rupp. I would think that Paintsville's youth will lead them to be intimidated and frightened with this being the first game of the season and the location. That is a lot for any team to deal with especially one that starts 4 sophomores, and has as much pressure on them as Paintsville. I wish this matchup would have been further in the season and at a more low-key venue.
Paintsville will suprise everyone. South Laurel is the best team in the state, but even if Paintsville plays them close, it will shock everyone. Paintsville may not have Pugh, VanHoose, or Williams, but SL won't have Profit, or Marcum.. Along with a few more players!
"Webster" Wrote:Paintsville will suprise everyone. South Laurel is the best team in the state, but even if Paintsville plays them close, it will shock everyone. Paintsville may not have Pugh, VanHoose, or Williams, but SL won't have Profit, or Marcum.. Along with a few more players!

Why wouldnt they have them?
There is a good chance football might be over for them by then...
South laurel will win this but, This is Paintsville's chance to show some people around the state that they have a good young team !!!
even if football is over they will only be on the court for two weeks. I do not see the tigers losing in the first round of the playoffs. Plus it is still just a pratice game and coaches will need to look at players that will help them in the season so do not build anything into the score one way or another.
I would say that both Profit and Jones (? I think that is the other basketball player playing football for SL) will be on the court even if the football team is still going strong (which I hope they are) . Marcum will be playing football of course but these two have some type of injuries that are keeping them from playing football anymore.
should be a pretty good game but i think that South Laurel will win it big..cause they have experience in playin at Rupp and Paintsville has none..that is wut is gonna hurt them the most
"raiders_basketball" Wrote:should be a pretty good game but i think that South Laurel will win it big..cause they have experience in playin at Rupp and Paintsville has none..that is wut is gonna hurt them the most
See thats where you are wrong my friend..It doesn't matter if you have experience , its who wants it more and whose worked harder. Kentucky plays in there every home game and they still lose, so whats your point..
If it's played like in the past, they zero the score at halftime. Plus be ready for the central Ky. ref's where a walk is called, along with alot of touch fouls. could be a foul fest.
Could be an interesting game
now boys paintsville is tough... remember they won the ALL A their district and the region o wait they didnt win nothing.... SL will beat them 50 i dont see why paintsville gets any credit they didnt win anything last year and their horrible.
To say that Paintsville is horrible is a completely unmerited statement with absolutely nothing to back it up. If you can read, and I assume you can because you respond to threads, then you should probably go through some of the other topics on this forum, consult a Cat's Pause, or any other season preview and see what the general consensus is on Paintsville, it's far from horrible. Actually you are the only person who has made such an ignorant comment, and I am going to guess that it's probably reflective of your lack of knowledge of basketball, or just a general bias. While they have quite an opponent in South Laurel, I don't believe they will get beat by 50. No they did not win district or region last year, but obviously neither did most teams and that definitely does not make a team horrible.
ATWOOD r u kidding me you can read all u want about the cats pause thats a joke....if Bill mike would stop suc*ing the sports writer they wouldnt be on top. i think south floyd won the All A and their district ....landon slone is the most overrated person ever
#16 really flaunt your intelligence with comments like that. Keep posting senseless garbage and everyone will continually dismiss all of your posts as they obviously should. From your baseless, ridiculous assumptions, vulgarity and crassness we can all see the only joke here is you. I hope you take yourself seriously, because from you're wonderful display of class in the above post, no one else will.
Back to topic.
should be a close one
overrated?.....obviously u have never seen him play the game
I think it will be alot closer than alot of people will think. It will be a good test for the young Tigers.
Good Luck Tigers.
paintsville will have there chance to prove sumthing.....and when they play SF they will dominate doosher man
Paintsville will make a lot of noise when they play SL at rupp.....but goosher man has been sayin some mean and stupid stuff.....apperenntly hes never seen Paintsville play....actually i dont think hes eveer seen a basketball game
Guys watch it in here!
South Laurel wins this one but paintsville puts up a fight, with him coaching football they just wont be the same team for about a month.

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