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To Big Dawg
Just wanted to clear a few things up concerning a post you made in the SECTIONAL thread that was closed. I was not able to defend myself, so I will now.

First off, you are apparently mistaken on who I am because I did not sit in the stands. I was in the glass enclosed pressbox for the entire tournament , so you did not hear me say the first word out of line on anything, because just plain and simple, it never happened from me. You are very, very much mistaken if you think it was me on that you may have heard being lewd or whatever else it was you deemed offensive. However, I will admit I did leave the pressbox once the whole tournament to use the restroom.

Second, I never said anything false about any event that transpired in the game. The radar gun readings were all very accurate. I had a clear view of two other radar guns just below me and they read exactly as mine did. As for the wild throw, I did not say it was by a batted ball. Did Shephard not make a wide throw on a pickoff move? Also a player's body language can clearly speak for it's self. Frustration was very visible for all to see. It's not a big deal. What would anyone expect from a 15 year old? He threw an amazing game. I or nobody else will deny that. If you have read the rest of the thread, I continually praise Shepherd for many things and always do. However , that does not make everything he does perfect, because he did make some mistakes in the game. He got hit hard in the 7th and then lost focus and tried to overthrow. That is exactly what happened. It happenes at all levels. Your getting all unraveled over nothing. You obviously have a closer tie to him than you let on, because you are so super sensitive every time his name pops up on here. Matter of fact you never post in these threads unless his name is mentioned with any comment that is percieved as being critical. When that happens your all over anybody that says anything about him. You never have any comment at all if the conversation is critical or aimed at any other player. Why is that? Why is it always only him? Why should I contact just you only if I ever need to know anything concerning him. Please explain that one. Heck, I wasn't even being critical, I was just replaying the events as they happened, and what happened concerning him is something that has happened to probably every pitcher that has ever been on the mound at one time or another. Just like all batters at one time or another they strike out during their career. There has probably never been a postion player that has never made an error in the field. If it happens it happens. I guess it's alright to replay any event that another player makes that takes place in a game, as long as it's not Shepherd. I guess this forum is to be censored if he makes a mistake, or is not perfect in every way and it gets mentioned.

Mr. Big Dawg , you are the one that is completely out of line on this one.
I had planned on replying to the post also, when I got in tonite. I, as I am sure you do, have a good idea who he is confusing you with. But, yes, we are friends, but I can honestly say I have never known you to say anything at a game to anyone. Like in a loud, rude manner. Heck, you are usually so focused on the game, you hardly even speak to your friends.
I can vouch that Mr. Kimball was in the press box the entire district tournament and for as long as I've known him, he has never personaly atacked or said anything offensive about any player. He is a person that has a great wealth of knowledge about the game and a passion about baseball that can almost surpass that of anyone else I know. He's right though, during the 7th when his pitch count got up and gave up a few hits he had a different demeaner(sp?) on the hill...after giving up the line shot that tied it he was finished I thought and probably should've been pulled. Shepherd has a very bright future ahead of him, best of luck to them in the Sectional.
Some people just can't stand when he tells the truth. He knowledge is by far the best in this area and some people just get extremely jealous when he speaks and it is not what they want to hear. What was Brad Vanhoose's record this year? I think he was like 7-0 or something like that. Does that entitle him to be a stud also?
I guess this incident happened in the 15th Region, especially with the last name VanHoose
To whom ever, if anyone on here thinks Kimball would ever disrespect a player you are full of ---t. He has two sons that came through the 57th and had to put up with every idiot that would critique ever move they made. If you think he would ever put down a player then you don't know him or what he stands for. Let me tell you he is for any kid that plays sports. I think this Big Dawg has him confused with someone else.
kyrifle Wrote:To whom ever, if anyone on here thinks Kimball would ever disrespect a player you are full of ---t. He has two sons that came through the 57th and had to put up with every idiot that would critique ever move they made. If you think he would ever put down a player then you don't know him or what he stands for. Let me tell you he is for any kid that plays sports. I think this Big Dawg has him confused with someone else.

I agree.

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