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Playboy5 and his twin girls...
Congrats PB5
Hey everyone..Again I wanna thank everyone for the thoughts and prayers and please continue them..Def. going to be a ride for sure..Can't thank you all enough..
As soon as you get a chance PB5 post us some pics of those little angels!!!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
Hope this works..Addison and Alli a couple of days ago...
AWWWWW.... Small but beautiful!!! Congrats again!
You'll now wear your heart on your sleeve and be at their beck and call!! LOL...

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
They are absolutely beautiful!!!!
I agree...they are absolutely perfect. So sweet and innocent..I absolutely adore those babies Smile Ya done good brother Smile
I will try to get better pics downloaded tonight and put them on my facebook/myspace page. These 2 pics don't do them justice..
3 from yesterday...
And More, lol..
Congrats PB5!!!

They're beautiful!
Addison and Alli wearing clothes for the first time..Alli finished her first bottle today and they are both off of IV's..Great day!!!
I like the watermelon outfits. Hang in there pop's you look zapped!!
Hilbily Wrote:I like the watermelon outfits. Hang in there pop's you look zapped!!
Yeah..Didn't have alot of premie clothes..Went shopping in the mall and bought some outfits..It has def. been a ride so far...Still possibly a month of staying in Kingsport. Next week I am coming home and back to LCC and driving back every night to Kingsport...So..yeah..I WILL THEN TELL YOU WHAT ZAPPED IS, lol..
Hang tough bro! My bro wen't through the same thing with my nephew. He was a little early and his lungs were not fully developed. It was hard on us all but my nephew is thriving now. He laughs all day and that takes alot of wind so im not worried anymore. Atleast you have some entertainment around. I am glad you can go to the games!!!!!!
It does help with the games...
i must have missed it in the thread, i looked and didnt see much of anything, what is the problem with your children?
They are premies and have to stay at Holston Valley until her given due date which was going to be August 28th that they were going to take them. So that is the earliest. I am missing the first week of school and will drive back and forth everyday starting next week after school..
Im sorry and hope everything turns out for the best, keep us updated?
TidesHoss32 Wrote:I wanna thank everybody for their prayers. God always listens! The babies are doing good. They are at Holston Valley, probably for the next 3 weeks or longer so their lungs can fully develop. I asked the nurse practitioner (sp?) about 42,000 questions concering everything and she assured me that the babies are fine, and will be fine, and that this is common...his wife has to stay 2 or 3 days in the hospital, and PB is with the babies in Tennessee. But again, thanks to our BGR family for your prayers and concern. You all are AWESOME!! And we love each and every one of you all.
My brother nailed it..All is good and I thank everyone for everything..Will keep updating the BGR family with pics..
They will get to sleep together tonight in the same crib here at the hospital. Can't wait to post you guys some pics..Excited and just keep blessing us with prayers..You all have been awesome and I will never forget about the support that you all have given to me and the family..Thanks and love u all..
They are absolutely adorable PB and I'm glad to hear that they are doing so well. You and your wife will be in for it now with twin girls; matching outfits, matching cars, starting to date at the same time...haha. Enjoy the ride, you both are truly blessed with these two.
LOL, I know..Everytime I have seen a mini cooper, I can so see them wanting one in 16 years..And I don't know why..just something about those cars..Nurses have said that a VERY GOOD POSSIBILITY of looking at Tuesday-Thursday that we can come home if all keeps going like it has been..But thanks Tribe and everyone else..
We are getting to come home tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY..3 and a half weeks later! I think I want to move to Kingsport,...seriously!
Finally we are home..Here are a couple of more pics..EnjoySmile
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:Finally we are home..Here are a couple of more pics..EnjoySmile

Looks like a couple of heart breakers to me!!!!!!!!
PB5 you are blessed to have this two wonderful babies in your home. A very wise friend once told me that sons will be the apple of their Daddy's eye but daughters will own his very soul.
God bless you and your wonderful new family.
hawg laig Wrote:PB5 you are blessed to have this two wonderful babies in your home. A very wise friend once told me that sons will be the apple of their Daddy's eye but daughters will own his very soul.
God bless you and your wonderful new family.
I love that and will remember that always.LITERALLY!.Seems to hold the truth to your statement..
Wise Cracker Wrote:Looks like a couple of heart breakers to me!!!!!!!!
Yeah..Will be a problem down the road I am sure, lol..But I thank you..Already dread it..

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