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Donations For Kyndra (Photo included)-SURGERY UPDATE!!
any idea who I am giving my donation to 2morrow? I need to know by 2:15 PM tomorrow
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:any idea who I am giving my donation to 2morrow? I need to know by 2:15 PM tomorrow

Wasnt u meeting someone at the game?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Wasnt u meeting someone at the game?

well I would like to meet PHS if she goes but she isnt going to know untill 2morrow, Card Alum said he/she knows you pretty well I just need confirmation for sure so we can finalize details...You not going Wildcat?
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:well I would like to meet PHS if she goes but she isnt going to know untill 2morrow, Card Alum said he/she knows you pretty well I just need confirmation for sure so we can finalize details...You not going Wildcat?

No, I have an appointment with new moon at the movies. I do know card alum, We graduated together and talked a bit, but my little brother will be at the game and he could get it and bring it to me after the game.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:No, I have an appointment with new moon at the movies. I do know card alum, We graduated together and talked a bit, but my little brother will be at the game and he could get it and bring it to me after the game.

well i wil be wearing a Pike Central lettermans jacket with a soccer ball on the back I have long hair and will be wearing a hat as well pm me and illgive you my number
PHS< me has to work today... LOL... I may be able to get on and 411 ya on a defiante yes or no.... I'm still awaiting comfirmation from a couple of friends AND I may just head on to Huntington... Would like to see my girl!! Smile OH.. BTW, the name of the toy (her teacher left me a note on facebook) is Fur Real Kitty... Smile

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
Wildcatk23 Wrote:No, I have an appointment with new moon at the movies. I do know card alum, We graduated together and talked a bit, but my little brother will be at the game and he could get it and bring it to me after the game.

ahh buddy, so do i lol.
phs1986 Wrote:PHS< me has to work today... LOL... I may be able to get on and 411 ya on a defiante yes or no.... I'm still awaiting comfirmation from a couple of friends AND I may just head on to Huntington... Would like to see my girl!! Smile OH.. BTW, the name of the toy (her teacher left me a note on facebook) is Fur Real Kitty... Smile

yeah you should probley head on to Hunigton that is a very good point...what ever you decide to do be careful and give her our best wishes and as well her parents.
Mom and Dad are already in Huntington and checking on her.... I'll update as soon as I get one from them... They went early this morning!! Smile

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
Our girl is home!!! She got out today. I'm going to see her and will update on her status and what is going to be going on with her when I get home!! Smile

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
I've been so busy at work with a huge shipment coming in early but I WILL ask on a day that most of the girls are there. I'll try to do so Sunday but I know everyone won't be there so I'll have to spread it around over a couple of days. Even if I have to send it by mail to phs, I'll get it in if you decide to cash out and take the link down. It is still quite a way to go until Christmas and since she is home maybe the expenses on her parents won't be as great, I'd say still leave it up a couple of weeks to let everyone go through a pay cycle and everything.

SOOOO glad to hear that she is home! I wish her a quick and full recovery! I've had her in my thoughts everyday.
phs1986 Wrote:Our girl is home!!! She got out today. I'm going to see her and will update on her status and what is going to be going on with her when I get home!! Smile

370$ So far
woooo hooo!!!!! You just let me know when you complete your path with it young man and I'll meet ya and hey.... we just may run into Wal-mart or soemthing together and pick out her something!!! Smile

Tribe, you do it however you feel you need to!!! I just thank god for her (Kyndra's) improving health, and that I have such wonderful BGR family here who would do such a great thing for this child! I thank you all very, very much!!!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
410$ Smile
YEA!!! She's gonna get a gooooood present!!! Smile

I know she has to go back to the dr. next week for a re-check on from the surgery... She looks pretty good and is fiesty as ever!! Smile I love it!!! I'm just so thankful for all you all have done for her! You are ALL amazing!!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
Good to see everyone praying for this girl.
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

Everything else doesn't matter![/COLOR]
cougarpride08 Wrote:Good to see everyone praying for this girl.

Those prayers are what got her thru this!! I just wanted to pass you all on some information that I just got today. My nephew (really my cousin's son who calls me his aunt) is whose horse Kyndra got kicked by. We were talking about how it happened and what he did and stuff and he told me the horse didn't have shoes on. He had taken them off so they could be re-shoed the next day. Tell me that isn't a miracle!!! Think about the damage she had done being kicked by a horse that didn't have a shoe on... Imagine what could have been if it had had one on!!! I don't know about you all but this just struck me as a sort of miracle!!! Thank you all and I can't say it enough for all the prayers and everything you all have done for her during this time. I will continue to keep you all up on her progress and as soon as I get with wildcatk, you all can let me know what to do with all the donations!!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
How is her spirits being in the hospital in all?
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

Everything else doesn't matter![/COLOR]
Thanks To Everyones Prayers And Hospitality That Really Helped This Girl Through A Long Journey.
Amen!! She was a real trooper and I almost forgot... she nicknamed one of her doctors.... she calls him of all things... Dr. Kookoo... LOL.... She can't say his name so this is what she calls him!! This child is always upbeat and a non-stop talker... I would love for you all to get to meet her!! Smile

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
How is she doing now? Are current conversation of play-doh made me think of her.
So very glad and happy that she's doing better and is home! She seems to be a tough little girl

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