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U.S.May Abandon Civilian Trial For 9/11 Suspect
thecavemaster Wrote:Barack Obama does not have as a goal the dismantling of our capitalist economy. That's, again, political balderdash, fear mongering. Now, you may believe it, I don't doubt that, but Obama's stop gap measures, and that's what they were, are undergirded by his desire to see our banking system, our auto industry return to a vibrant, thriving, private, well functioning capitalistic enterprise.

1) How many years of "private sector work experience" does Obama have under his belt, CM?

2) How much financial experience does the entire Obama cabinet have, CM?

3) How many of Obama's cabinet members are nothing more than career politicians, CM?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:1) How many years of "private sector work experience" does Obama have under his belt, CM?

2) How much financial experience does the entire Obama cabinet have, CM?

3) How many of Obama's cabinet members are nothing more than career politicians, CM?

Obama's Cabinet is not one with much experience, granted. However, recent history suggests that "years of private sector work experience" doesn't ipso facto make for a good Cabinet appointee. Barack Obama is not for the nationalizing of industry and production as an economic plan. That's balderdash. You know it, and I know it.

Apparently our Justice Department is chock full of terrorists sympathizers! Senator Charles Grassley ®, Iowa, requested information concerning names, cases, and recusals. Holder is not being forth coming. “Mr. Welch told the senator that at least nine lawyers at the department either represented detainees or worked on amicus briefs on detainees' behalf. But he didn't name the lawyers (other than two already identified by Mr. Grassley), or the cases or other relevant information.”
How can we trust these people to make the right decisions for America and its citizens? To be quite honest, I don’t think we can and that scares me!
Joe Friday Wrote:

Apparently our Justice Department is chock full of terrorists sympathizers! Senator Charles Grassley ®, Iowa, requested information concerning names, cases, and recusals. Holder is not being forth coming. “Mr. Welch told the senator that at least nine lawyers at the department either represented detainees or worked on amicus briefs on detainees' behalf. But he didn't name the lawyers (other than two already identified by Mr. Grassley), or the cases or other relevant information.”
How can we trust these people to make the right decisions for America and its citizens? To be quite honest, I don’t think we can and that scares me!

This country was founded on the idea that all defendents are to be given a vigorous defense. Why are we afraid of that? If you'd trade justice for security, safety for essential rights and liberties, the terrorist won something way more important that us being afraid to go to malls.
thecavemaster Wrote:This country was founded on the idea that all defendents are to be given a vigorous defense. Why are we afraid of that? If you'd trade justice for security, safety for essential rights and liberties, the terrorist won something way more important that us being afraid to go to malls.

"Ironically, say DOJ sources, while Holder and his staff continue to work hard to protect the identities of those attorneys who provided legal advice to suspected or convicted terrorists, several of the attorneys in question are believed to have been instrumental in the efforts of Human Rights Watch and CREW to leak to the media and Democrat supporters on Capitol Hill, the names of CIA interrogators of enemy combatants and suspected terrorists, as well as the locations of foreign-based U.S. secure holding facilities and various interrogation techniques used on terror suspects and enemy combatants"

Looks like they could be getting a lot more than a vigorous defense.

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