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Father of the Constitution Distrusted Majority
From the Federalist #63 (paraphrase)

Wherever the real power in Government lies, there is the danger of oppression. If that power be in the majority viewpoint, then the severest threat to private rights is not the Government, but rather the places and policies and laws where the Government is simply the mere instrument of the majority view.

Here is Madison's wisdom on clear display. Many folks on the right are perfectly willing to say what a woman can and cannot do with her womb, and are content with the FBI having access to a person's reading list at the public library (and they state their reasons). Many folks on the left would be happy to restrict who can buy a handgun, and are content with legislation that restricts behaviors they find offensive. Madison's wisdom protects our society, on its best days, from all people who would threaten private rights from a private agenda, enticing the "majority" with all manner of misinformation, scare tactics, and, gasp, monetary contributions to campaigns and causes.

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