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Can the US Stop WikiLeaks From Dishing Secrets?
(June 11) -- It has all the makings of a spy novel: a treasure trove of leaked documents, an imprisoned soldier accused of betraying state secrets, and an international man of mystery taunting the world's most powerful government.

Welcome to the ongoing saga of WikiLeaks, the renegade leak organization that may be in possession of hundreds of thousands of U.S. diplomatic cables. Or it may not.

Now the question is whether there's anything the United States can do to stop them.

Leoboundv, Flickr
Julian Assange is the founder of WikiLeaks.

Earlier this week, reported that the Army had detained Bradley Manning, a soldier suspected of leaking classified information to WikiLeaks, including a politically charged video showing a U.S. military air strike in Iraq that killed two Reuters employees. Manning, who had extensive access to classified computer networks, also reportedly made claims to have downloaded over 200,000 State Department cables.

WikiLeaks, through its Twitter feed, declined to confirm whether Manning provided documents to the organization but suggested that claims of leaked cables were overblown. "Allegations in Wired that we have been sent 260,000 classified US embassy cables are, as far as we can tell, incorrect," the organization posted, without providing further details.
Us and our Social Media.....
This guy who founded this site is a true hero.

Pretty sad he has to have safe houses all over the world and constantly move or he will likely be killed or captured, all this just for releasing the truth and letting people make their own decisions.

Classified means one thing to me. govt people trying to cover their own butts.

The govt is supposed to work for us, there should be very few things that are classified.

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