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Bob Bamber: Internet fans seriously need to see the bigger picture
Apologies if this column doesn't live up to my usual standard. This is a rant per se rather than my usual efforts. I'm probably not going to earn many friends with his one - don't bite the hand that feeds, and all that. But this needs to be said.

Internet fans, smart fans – call them whatever you want, seriously need to learn to see the bigger picture. I'm talking about Christian losing his World Heavyweight Title on Smackdown to Randy Orton.

Am I a Christian fan, yes – was I disappointed to see Christian lose the title so soon after winning it – yes. But the move does make sense. Orton is the number one guy on Smackdown. End of story. People can be disappointed that they made the move (particularly so soon) but to call the move stupid and ridiculous is quite frankly... well... stupid and ridiculous.

Can somebody sit here and tell me what is wrong in giving the number one guy on the brand the title? A lot of fans need to realise that there is more to the WWE than the small pocket of internet fans, and that what's best for them, isn't always (and quite often isn't at all) right for the company.

As a 'Peep' I was delighted to see Christian win the belt. It was a great moment for him and one that in my eyes he's probably waited too long (although we all know that Vince doesn't like to endorse people who come from other companies – see Invasion storyline). And yes, I was shocked when I read the news. But that was it, in the cold light of day I can see full sense in the decision. Orton is the number one guy, and although perhaps (fantasy booking style) I would have probably taken a little longer getting there, this would've been a move I'd have made sooner rather than later.

This is a great example of a bigger problem with internet fans (I don't like to group them, because there will always people going 'I don't like Christian' etc... just going with the majority) – they don't see the bigger picture. I listened to the relaunch of VOW live on Monday (cheap plug – and I'm not even on the show!). I listened to Kevin Kelly say that having the WWE announce that Seth Rollins (Tyler Black from ROH) was drafted to Raw or Smackdown would've been a great surprise? Do me a favour – you're seriously trying to tell me that a great way to create ratings would be to throw a guy out there with a generic name and solid look? Or was that a back-handed, blind-faith attempt in hopes that they'd do it so more people would find out about ROH?

A lot of online fans are so clueless when it comes to the bigger picture. I know a lot of people will email me and say – 'but am I not entitled to my own opinion?'. Of course you are, it wasn't something I would've done this soon given the choice either. But there's a difference between having an opinion and send harsh tweets to Randy Orton (since when was it his fault anyway?) - and having an opinion but acknowledging that Orton holding the title was the smarter decision in the bigger picture of the company.

Bob Bamber Blog.
He gets it.
Very "Smart"!

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