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Sheldon Clark 77 Lawrence County 53
THANK YOU, finally someone showing some class from SC!!!!
"cardsfan" Wrote:The Thompson kid can flat out play ball.It doesn't matter if they lost or not.Eike always has something to say about every team's players.He must know all the ball players from every school!!! I watched the Cards Friday night and SC did out play LC but Thompson's foul situation did not help LC any.The refs did miss alot of calls both ways and for once SC came out on the lucky end of the deal!!:big grin:
Lawrence is a pretty good ball team they just didn't hit no shots. There big kid got in foul trouble and when he went out sheldon clark controlled the game. The "All Star" finally shot the ball good. I guess your great if you do it once or twice a season. The bench got used abunch more finally, but Robinson didnt get in enough. Tho kid plays harder than anybody besides Crum. He is a pure shooter too. Wouldnt take him 40 shots to score 30 points. I can tell you that.
Big win for SC..
Great game to watch as a Cardinals fan. The Cards were hitting on all cylinders shooting near 60% I'd venture to say. Thompson getting 2 fouls in the first minute really hampered LC on the offensive end of the floor. He is more than just your typical post player, he does alot of things for LC and when he left the floor the whole pace of the game swung in SC's favor. The way SC was shooting I don't know if him being in would have mattered, but it definatley would not had hurt. SC was so emotional tonight it was good to see some fire out of these kids. SC played like a team with a shot at being the #1 seed in the district. If these boys can carry this kind of performance over to the next few, the 57th district & 15th region better look out.

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