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Song Dedication Thread For Hulk
Nice try and I really like that song. But, you are a faker, a cheap imitation and a VERY POOR substitute for MY HULK. I can sympathize with you being an IMPOSTER and a WANNABE though..........the real HULK is the SHIZZLE.......and he melts my heart.....
A poem for you today, because you made my night.......

In & Out of Time by Maya Angelou

The sun has come.
The mist has gone.
We see in the distance...
our long way home.
I was always yours to have.
You were always mine.
We have loved each other in and out of time.
When the first stone looked up at the blazing sun
and the first tree struggled up from the forest floor
I had always loved you more.
You freed your braids...
gave your hair to the breeze.
It hummed like a hive of honey bees.
I reached in the mass for the sweet honey comb there....
Mmmm...God how I love your hair.
You saw me bludgeoned by circumstance.
Lost, injured, hurt by chance.
I screamed to the heavens....loudly screamed....
Trying to change our nightmares into dreams...
The sun has come.
The mist has gone.
We see in the distance our long way home.
I was always yours to have.
You were always mine.
We have loved each other in and out
in and out
in and out
of time.
Stardust Wrote:I don't don't need to badger you to feel good about myself, but it doesn't hurt! As for SheHulk, she is fake, quite unlike my professional wrestlers:rockon:

As for Ballers - How Dare You! He is the class of this site! WANNABE??? Are you kidding?

He is the Best there Is!

The Best there was!

(yes LWC, I am going there)

The Best there ever will be!

You didn't just go there.....:HitWall:
I wanted to add this too after watching the VMA's. Hulk, there will never be another "Someone Like You", only you...........

^ I truly believe that song may have been meant just for me....
Geez fellas, take it easy on the She Hulk.
^ She's tough enough, she doesn't need any sypathy
Stardust Wrote:^ She's tough enough, she doesn't need any sypathy

You got that right!! LOL And I LOVE having the last word.......:Clap:
Love really is the answer HULK......but, you insist on fighting it.....I'm right and you know it.........As always, I LOVE YOU..........

She Hulk Wrote:You got that right!! LOL And I LOVE having the last word.......:Clap:

Just like a Green Woman!:biggrin:

If the Hulk ever cheats on you with Wonder Woman or Batgirl, give me a holler - I'd never do you wrong......
Stardust Wrote:Just like a Green Woman!:biggrin:

If the Hulk ever cheats on you with Wonder Woman or Batgirl, give me a holler - I'd never do you wrong......

Aaaawwwww............that's so sweet! Consider yourself officially "on deck" Stardust!! If Hulk strikes out, you're on!!
I Have Nothing.........without Hulk :Sad04:

^ It's time She Hulk. It's time to move on from the Hulk. You see, I beat the Hulk when he was part of the NWO. It was not long after his turn to the darkside when he teamed up with the darkside and tried to destroy the WCW! Hulk betrayed us all then. He was on the side of good and opposed evil, but he showed us his true colors then. I know that we all long for the days of Hulk going back to his good-guy days. But he has aligned himself with the evil Bischoff and I feel that it is too late for him to ever come back to the days of good. So She Hulk, it's time to move on from him. He's old and decrepit. I even heard that he has had two hip replacements and now that he does not take steroids any longer, he is half the monster that he was back in his prime! He's no longer the creature you thought of him.

I will always be here for you.
Stardust Wrote:^ It's time She Hulk. It's time to move on from the Hulk. You see, I beat the Hulk when he was part of the NWO. It was not long after his turn to the darkside when he teamed up with the darkside and tried to destroy the WCW! Hulk betrayed us all then. He was on the side of good and opposed evil, but he showed us his true colors then. I know that we all long for the days of Hulk going back to his good-guy days. But he has aligned himself with the evil Bischoff and I feel that it is too late for him to ever come back to the days of good. So She Hulk, it's time to move on from him. He's old and decrepit. I even heard that he has had two hip replacements and now that he does not take steroids any longer, he is half the monster that he was back in his prime! He's no longer the creature you thought of him.

I will always be here for you.

Thanks Stardust!! I am VERY FLATTERED!!! But I still gotta hang in there a little while longer for HULK. He owns my heart........
Today, HULK, my love, a WISH and a KISS.........

Remember, true LOVE knows no distance and has no boundaries. It will all work out in time if you truly want it to.

My feelings will never change but it is evidently my destiny to be alone. I get it. Time to refocus on the other areas of my life that I can control. I tried..........but it's official, I give up.........
You cant give up.
I feel like it's hopeless, but thanks for the encouragement! I just wanna work & work out and crawl in a hole the rest of the
^C'mon She Hulk. Your going to find that someone some day! God will put him in place when you least expect it. Pray about it and I guarantee you'll find Hulk one day!

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