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Saddest Thing Ever
This is officially the saddest thing I've ever seen....
Super sad. Poor dog
WOW! No words are good enough to say for truly "Man's best friend"!
That's so so sad!! Sad

Just made me realize how much I love my English bull dog.
I seen this on the news the other day and it truly is sad.
Seen this a few days ago. RIP brother.
When I read this for the first time the other day (someone posted it on facebook), I couldnt hardly make it through the article. Im a dog lover, a patriotic American citizen, and a big softy anyways, and this just nailed me to the ground. God Bless our soldiers. Then this goodness...
This just goes to show why dogs are a man's best friend. Sad indeed.
Sad and Amazing all in one.

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