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Iran: Nuclear power plant is online

I'm afraid Iran might be getting closer to having a nuclear weapon.
If were going to keep doing this middle east war thing for another 10 years we might as well go after Iran next.
^ turning off the light before bed scares you....
You will find a great deal of korean artists nowadays thinking about hip hop. Typically, that wasn't usually the case.. People from Korea only concentrated on 1 genre. Now they're spreading out to even hip hop like wildfire. It's been real crazy but it's been popping off and it's fantastic to see hip hop becoming so diverse nowadays.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:If were going to keep doing this middle east war thing for another 10 years we might as well go after Iran next.

Speak for yourself bro...
Iran coming close to being able to produce nukes isn't that big of a deal to me, at least. I think Israel would spank that before that'd happen.
vundy33 Wrote:Iran coming close to being able to produce nukes isn't that big of a deal to me, at least. I think Israel would spank that before that'd happen.

^Good point. However, you have to consider:
  • Their only "allies" in the Middle East (Egypt, Jordan) were overturned by uprisings and might be taken over by the Muslim Brotherhood or another radical Islamic organization.
  • All of the other countries in the Middle East that want to go to war with Israel as well.
  • The best ally Israel has (USA) decides to not be as friendly.

Although, there is one thing I can remember that I think Prime Minister Netanyahu said. I think Grant Jeffrey had an interview with Prime Minister Netanyahu before he became Prime Minister, and Jeffrey said that Prime Minister Netanyahu would never allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon if he was the Prime Minister. Coincidentally, he currently is the Prime Minister.

As I've said before, I can never predict the future. But this looks like this might be the setting up of the Battle of Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38-39.
korean hip hop Wrote:You will find a great deal of korean artists nowadays thinking about hip hop. Typically, that wasn't usually the case.. People from Korea only concentrated on 1 genre. Now they're spreading out to even hip hop like wildfire. It's been real crazy but it's been popping off and it's fantastic to see hip hop becoming so diverse nowadays.
I like cheese also:problemgirl:
Deathstar 80 Wrote:^Good point. However, you have to consider:
  • Their only "allies" in the Middle East (Egypt, Jordan) were overturned by uprisings and might be taken over by the Muslim Brotherhood or another radical Islamic organization.
  • All of the other countries in the Middle East that want to go to war with Israel as well.
  • The best ally Israel has (USA) decides to not be as friendly.

Although, there is one thing I can remember that I think Prime Minister Netanyahu said. I think Grant Jeffrey had an interview with Prime Minister Netanyahu before he became Prime Minister, and Jeffrey said that Prime Minister Netanyahu would never allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon if he was the Prime Minister. Coincidentally, he currently is the Prime Minister.

As I've said before, I can never predict the future. But this looks like this might be the setting up of the Battle of Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38-39.

I don't care what the situation is bro, Iran gets nukes equals Israel ceasing to exist. They won't let that happen, and in my opinion, they could carry out strikes on Iran's nuclear facilities and Iran wouldn't do a damn thing about it. Or anyone else for that matter.
vundy33 Wrote:I don't care what the situation is bro, Iran gets nukes equals Israel ceasing to exist. They won't let that happen, and in my opinion, they could carry out strikes on Iran's nuclear facilities and Iran wouldn't do a damn thing about it. Or anyone else for that matter.

The United States is referred to as the 'great satan' by those in the arab world. They have made no secret of the fact that they hate us and are sworn to destroy America. When one considers all the terror plots, successful and thwarted, to date it becomes obvious that the threat from these guys is for real. Sooner or later we are going to have to face them, I for one, would rather do it BEFORE they have nuclear weapons than after. The only reason they hate us is because we are allies with Israel, for that, they have sworn to wipe us off the map.

Waving money at them as has been the policy of recent administrations will never deter the inevitable, all it has done so far is to arm them and modernize their respective armed services. I believe the only way to keep the arab extremists at bay is to have a deterrent of sufficient force that they wouldn't dare risk retaliation by our military. We have such deterrents now but, have shown that we are very reluctant to use them. I agree it's a shame to have to do it but, we had to drop the hammer during WWII to win and we may need to consider it again. I'm not talking about nukes, but, we have the connventional where with all to do this and, like Ross Perot once said, "it's time to quit slow dancin".

We are going to have to do it at some point. This will never stop. These guys are not about to just turn over a new leaf and say they're sorry for being so mean to us and killing thousands of innocent Americans and trying to destroy our economy by flying jets into the world trade center and the pentagon. They tried to get the White House and Air Force One that day too. It's not that their not brave enough to kill us, they know better than to take us on in a straight up military engagement but, there would be thousands of volunteers to bring back pack nukes into federal government buildings, utilities and other targets of interest.

I read an article by Chicago Tribune columnist Clarence Page during Obama's run for the presidency in the summer of 2008. In that article he predicted that if then candidate Obama got elected we would no doubt witness a terrorist attack on US soil that would involve some kind of back pack nuclear device on at least one and maybe more major US cities. I am trying to find the link and will provide it if I find it later.
vundy33 Wrote:I don't care what the situation is bro, Iran gets nukes equals Israel ceasing to exist. They won't let that happen, and in my opinion, they could carry out strikes on Iran's nuclear facilities and Iran wouldn't do a damn thing about it. Or anyone else for that matter.

I really hope you're right vundy.

What do all of you think about Turkey? I've heard that recently, both Turkey and Israel have been "less friendly" to each other.
^^Meh...makes me think of Thanksgiving, for real. But other than that, they apparently like us better than the Iranians. Which is always a good fing!
Here's a link to a video about President Ahmadinejad's visit to the United Nations this week:
I'm trying my best to watch Iran and the Middle East closely, especially since President Abbas asked the UN to make a Palestinian State. Here's an interesting link about Iran:

I know many of you disagree with me about whether or not we could be near the rapture, but please watch what's happening in the Middle East. If the Palestinians receive land from Israel, Israel could be in danger.

Israel is being set up right now. I happened to have read the University of Kentucky newspaper (the "kentucky kernel") on Monday 19, 2011. It has an article that talks about how the Palestinians should have a Palestinian state. This greatly surprised me because I never expected a university like UK would have something like this on their newspaper.

I'm sure that the Palestinians have went through tough times as well as the Jews, but these plans of giving land to the Palestinians is causing Israel to have a national security crisis. And when Israel rejects this, people are talking about how "oppressive" Israel is to the Palestinians. Please listen to me when I say that Israel is being set up as being evil, when in fact they're the complete opposite. Israel is the one who is surrounded by enemies.

Whatever your political party is, please help me defend Israel. And please listen to me in that they're honestly being set up.

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