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Bring Back Mr. Kimball (non-banned version 1.2)
An excerpt from an "Occupy BGR" movement from years past.....

"Friends, family, and not-so-loved ones,

One of our fellow members has fallen victim to the cruel and unusual punishment of a bureaucracy[1], a mob-like state, you can say. Where various levels of power are fighting to out-do the others, in hopes of one day becoming the sole Underlord.

Mr. Kimball was a fine man. Intellectual, outgoing, with a thriving hunger only to envelop us all with his vast array of knowledge. Some may not have taken to his hard-nosed approach, but when they did have the courage to absorb that of which he spoke, they in-turn became a better person because of it. This site was a better place because of Mr Kimball. DAMN IT, I SAY! This was a better place because of Mr Kimball!

We all have made mistakes. We learn from each of them and thus become better individuals because of it. Mr Kimball is a goooooooooooooood man. He is a chaaaaaaaanged man. A rehabilitated man, you could say, from his time in the Everlasting Penalty Box.

As the sole proprietor of this movement, under the blanket of the First Amendment and the democracy of this great nation, I am now issuing my full and immediate public support to............ BRING BACK MR. KIMBALL.

Any and all who have the same dream and sense of hope for the future for our community, PLEASE feel free to show your support for our friend, by following up in this thread.

Thank you. [SIZE=2]I'll be here all week.[/SIZE]

Ring'Em Up

[1]Bureaucracy......because of the shortcomings that have in practice afflicted large administrative structures, the terms bureaucracy and bureaucrat in popular usage usually carry a suggestion of disapproval and imply incompetence, a narrow outlook, duplication of effort, and application of a rigid rule without due consideration of specific cases.

~The only thing which saves us from the bureaucracy is its inefficiency.~
Eugene McCarthy
Free Kimball
I concur. Had the current rules and policies been in effect when he got the boot, I can't believe that Mr. Kimball would not still be among us.
I dont ever remember a mr kimball
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I dont ever remember a mr kimball

Its Bob Segar
Ohh i see.
lol different name he use to have?
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
Ohh i see.
lol different name he use to have?
Yea, Mr. Kimball got banned, and then came back as Bob Seger.
^ BAN, BAN, BAN - giving up one's identity...... Wink
Mr. Kimball was a very, very smart poster who really got a lot of grief for his tough posting.
^If I remember correctly it was a little more than just tough posting.

I have no problem if he wants to sign back up because they rules have changed, and are essentially non-existent now. There are really few to no rules to break outside of common sense.
^Agreed! lol
MisterPerfect Wrote:Mr. Kimball was a very, very smart poster who really got a lot of grief for his tough posting.

Kimball must have done SOMETHING good to make all these liberal lunatics to dislike him.
Stardust Wrote:^ BAN, BAN, BAN - giving up one's identity...... Wink

I'm on it. Lol Smile
Stardust Wrote:^ BAN, BAN, BAN - giving up one's identity...... Wink
I didn't give up his real identity. Giving up his former BGR identity doesn't count. :biggrin: Actually I was one of the ones that wanted Kimball to not be banned, and said as much.
Wearing my "Free Kimball" Shirt now!!!!!

Free Kimball!!!

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
I voiced that I wished he didn't get banned when it happened, I still feel the same way.
Come on Bob, ask em to give you Kimball back. It's a much cooler name. :biggrin:
TheRealVille Wrote:Come on Bob, ask em to give you Kimball back. It's a much cooler name. :biggrin:

LOL, all this talk and BS has not enlightened us with his presence Wink
Stardust Wrote:LOL, all this talk and BS has not enlightened us with his presence Wink
I've noticed that. In your making this quoted post is just one more reason Bob needs to get Kimball back. On using his initials, we get him confused with BullShit. Then again, we might have done that with either nick. LOL.

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