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*Spoilers:* Complete WWE Raw Results For 10/17/11
Results Courtesy of

Raw started with John Laurinaitis walking to the ring. He said that he's not happy being in Mexico and he doesn't feel comfortable. He talked about what happened last week with Triple H, C.M. Punk R-Truth, and The Miz. They played a video from last week showing Michael Cole laughing because Laurinaitis fired Jim Ross.

Laurinaitis announced that the main event would be Alberto Del Rio and Michael Cole vs. John Cena and Jim Ross. The winner will decide the stipulation for Del Rio vs. Cena at Vengeance.

1. Mark Henry, Cody Rhodes, and Christian defeated Randy Orton, Sheamus, and John Morrison. After the heels won, they continued with the brawl outside. Cody Rhodes tried to escape backstage, but Orton followed him to the back. Christian went through the crowd but Sheamus followed him also.

Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes was announced for the Vengeance pay-per-view.

2. Eve (w/Kelly Kelly) defeated Natalya (w/Beth Phoenix).

Beth Phoenix vs. Eve for the Divas Championship was announced for the pay-per-view.

3. CM Punk (w/Triple H) beat The Miz (w/R-Truth). During the match, John Laurinaitis walked down and showed a document to Triple H. He told Triple H to leave the ringside area and he did. After the match, Miz and Truth attacked Punk

Video of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Vickie Guerrero walked to the ring with Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler. Vickie announced that Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger will face Air Boom for the Tag Titles at Vengeance.

4. Zack Ryder beat Jack Swagger. After the match, Swagger and Ziggler attacked Ryder. Mason Ryan ran out to make the save and he said the he wanted to face Ziggler tonight.

5. Dolph Ziggler beat Mason Ryan via DQ. Ryan attacked Ziggler on the ropes and the referee counted to five to disqualify Ryan.

It was announced to the live crowd that Sin Cara will meet Sin Cara in a mask vs. mask match at the Smackdown taping.

6. John Cena and Jim Ross defeated Alberto Del Rio and Michael Cole. Cena hit the Attitude Adjustment on Cole. Ross applied a submission hold on Cole's ankle, and then Cole tapped out. Cena chose to make his title shot against Del Rio a Last Man Standing match at Vengeance.
Looks pretty lame TBH.

WWE again messes with superstars in their hometown.

Del Rio losses a match to Cena & Jim Ross.
Why does the WWE feel the need to book JR and Cole. It just shows they cannot develop quality heels and faces in their superstars.
If they were going to do this, it should have been done in Oklahoma. That would have made a bit more sense, but this is just the continuation of the "on the fly" booking. I guess we will get the storyline tonight as to why HHH would even want to be paired up with Ross after JR walked out on him. Wrestling booking right now is at it's all time lowest!
whoever says "military intelligence" is the biggest oxymoron ever, has never heard of "WWE creative".
^ Amen to that
VHSL-helper Wrote:whoever says "military intelligence" is the biggest oxymoron ever, has never heard of "WWE creative".

Right up there with Kentucky football, jumbo shrimp, and clean coal.

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