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Jericho Negotiating With WWE For Return
Colleagues and those close to Chris Jericho are saying he is in talks with WWE currently according to a report by

Jericho is said to be negotiating with WWE about a return and program that will lead to a match at WrestleMania 28 in Miami, Florida
LWC, my dream Wrestlemania booking is shaping up.....
Thank God!!!
Your dream match-up is...........
^ It was Jericho being on the WM card.
I had this as match 7:

7. CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho - WWE Championship
Could be a classic. Best in the World vs. Best in the World.
Punk vs. Jericho would be incredible.
The smack that could be talked could top the Rock/Cena dialogs
Yes. Punk vs. Jericho would be an incredible match-up. With the legit heat between these 2 already, it could be a fued for the ages....
I would love to see Jericho come back at the Rumble as Y2J. Have him win the rumble and become part of Smackdown, they really need someone to carry the program on the microphone and make people want to tune it. Have Jericho win the World Heavyweight Title at Elimination Chamber and choose to fight for the WWE championship at Wrestlemania against CM Punk to uni-fie the belts in what could be the best match in the WWE since Jericho vs. Michaels at Wrestlemania 19.
I would pay good money to watch a WWE Raw that was nothing but Jericho and Punk on the mic, in the ring and broadcasting.

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