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Who is he best wrestler turned actor???
The Rock????


John Cena????

Randy Orton????

Stone Cold Steve Austin????

Then you had the remake of The Longest Yard with The Great Kahli, Goldburg, Stone Cold, Kevin Nash, et al. Who is the best actor right now, or would you rather do their acting in the ring????
The Rock has had the most success in Hollywood.

I loved "Rowdy" Roddy Piper in They Live, however.

"I came here to kick ass & chew bubble gum....well I'm all outta gum!"
^ That is one of the more classic comments of Piper. He used that back in his NWA days, and it was perfect for the movie.
Piper and Rock.
The Rock
Hulk Hogan LMAO
Terry Funk always played good supporting roles in many movies. Kane's "See No Evil" is now a cult classic, which surprises me that they have not done follow-ups to that film. Cena's movies are good. Stone Cold had a could of good films, but followed with flops. The Rock is bona-fide top star, but not without his own flops.
For obvious reasons, you have to go with The Rock. He's had the most success in Hollywood. However, with that being said...I always liked Terry Funk's work in Hollywood. He may not have ever had any big roles, but the parts he did play, he did a hell of a job.
That was a trick question...
they all suck equally!
The Rock

But, I loved Terry Funk in Road House!!!!

Morgan: You know, I heard you had balls big enough to come in a dump truck, but you don't look like much to me.

Dalton: Opinions vary.

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis

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