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Has anyone really ever landed on the moon
As the years go by more and more people keep coming out stating that no one has ever landed on the moon. Books have been written and movies have been made to show that we have and that we haven't.

What do you think.

Come on hitman23 give everyone your theory.
I think that we have....if Armstrong didn't first when we said we did we for sure have now!
I started a thread like this last week.. But I still don't know how to merge. But I'm still torn on this subject lol
crazytaxidriver Wrote:But I still don't know how to merge.
Can't yet Wink...still getting the required programs...supposed to be able to soon!
See CTD we think alike. I didn't realize you already had one going. Sorry about that.
No problem CatDawg.

And thanks for the info Beef. I thought I saw someone testing it the other day and didn't know if they had got it yet..
Yes there is already a similar topic. You can go to the link here if you'd like to read it...
I've already debated this............YES!
CE I really need to get you and Hitman23 together on this. I've really had some good ones with him over the past few years. Hopefully he will get on here today and take this up.
To think we didn't is ridiculous and you are falling for one of the worst conspiracy theories ever. A lot of people say we didn't land on the moon and it was actually just recorded in a studio. Here are some of the arguments, and why they are wrong:

1) The flag waves when the astronaut is putting it in the ground.

Duh, it's going to move when they are jamming it into the moon! Plus, there are such things as solar winds. On top of that, the flag had wire around it to keep it straightened. A lot of people consider this an argument because they have seen the MTV commericials with the flag waving behind the astronaut. However, that is a doctored video. To believe that the actual flag was waving is like believing the actual flag had an MTV logo on it. They also make the argument "how can the flag wave if there is no gravity on the moon?" But there is gravity on the moon, very minimal gravity, but there is still gravity.

2) There are no stars in any of the pictures taken by the astronauts.

This is one of the small things I consider too true to have been known before we went to the moon. No one knew this before we went to the moon, but because of the light and shadowing at certain times of the day, the stars are not visible to the astronauts. So stars not being in the pictures WAS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN.

3) Boot imprints are seen in pictures before the moon lander landed.

This comes down to whether or not you trust our American scientists and government. Some pictures claim to show Armstrong climbing down the ladder and looking at the ground, and below him are boot imprints. The truth is these pictures were not first taken when Armstrong was coming out of the moon lander. After all, do youo ever remember seeing Armstrong taking pictures as he was coming down the ladder? No. The boot imprints were said to be made when they first got there and then as they were all climbing into the lander they took a picture. But, some people like to come up with theories and say, "No, this was before we landed. So it must have been done in a studio." But do you really think our government would let something that huge out into the public knowing that? No way!

The reason we have not gone back is because there is no longer a need. When we first went it was about learning about the moon, and beating the Russians. We know about all there is to know about the moon now, and it is simply too expensive to send someone there for no reason, especially while fighting a war.

If you have anymore theories as to why we didn't land on the moon please post them here, and I will surely disprove them.
I buy it CE. Nice

I'm trying my hardest to get hitman23 on here so he can shot back.

I love watching these type of debates.
Yea... Me and my fam go all tha tyme.
I don't really care if we have or not... but I think we did. Why is it important?
Some people think it's important, because if we didn't go the moon, it gives them more reason to not trust our government on other issues.
It doesn't matter if we did or not but you would still be crazy to think that the government doesn't do and not do several things that we're totally unaware of.
You know I don't think I would lose sleep if I found out that we haven't been there yet, just gives me more of a chance to be the first haha.
Landed on the moon? Have any of you driven down Rt. 23 and tried to make a cell phone call? Remote control cars on Mars! come on people wake up and smell the coffee. One word comes to mind when describing the moon landing(s). Embarrassed! The Russians beat us into space and we as country had to do one better. The only option was to land on the moon. Kennedy knew the only way to keep the American spirit alive was to not only say we were going to the moon but make us believe it happened. How much more embarrassed would the country be if we were ever told the truth about the moon. I'm hopeful one day my 1 year old son will be able to see the truth brought to light. To look at the problems we can't over come in modern times with the technology available to us now and even think we could pull the moon landing off is crazy. Don't get me wrong the government had every intention of going to the moon but the problems they encountered early on pretty much sealed any chance of it ever happening. The first round of test included animals being sent into space with each trip further than the previous. Its at this point that they encountered the one problem they knew existd but could not overcome. I can't really argue numbers at this time but the facts are true that at some point the animals were dying from radiation exposure. More too come...
I'm back... You're telling me we found everything there was to know about the moon in 6-8 trips; come on! We discover something new on the planet we live on everyday.
Its me again...I also saw the special on FOX about the Moon Landing and can see some of their points and can laugh at some of their points. I was 16 years old when it first hit me...what was the one thing we gained as a country by landing on the moon. Bragging rights! So over the years I have put a lot of time into the subject (love to read) and starting asking questions. Going back to the moon (LOL) can't happen they would not be able to pull it off with today's technology. A little kid with a tiny telescope in his backyard would be able to prove we did not / can not land on the moon. I have no way of knowing but I would be willing to bet at that time telescopes were not as advanced or as available as they are today.

One thing our government understands is taking your mind off of the real problem by turning our attention to another. Take the current situation in Iraq; we were attacked by a Saudi Arabian (Bin Laden) and he's believed to be hiding in what country? Thats right Afghanistan! So when we can't find him what does our government do? We attack Iraq because they have weapons of mass destruction (LOL) Bin Ladens name is very rarely even mentioned on the news anymore. With all the techology available to the government and one of the most wanted men in the world being eyeballed by several government agencies. We again have been embarrased! The government has again taken our minds off the problem at hand and placed it where they want. My point is simple when things don't go the way they intend they create something else to take your mind off the subject.
OK CE it's your turn.

Hitman is just getting warmed up.

I love this stuff.
Where you at CE?

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