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NBA..Not fun anymore?
Ever since Micheal Jordan left the league from the bulls. (Not his Wizard's Era).

The NBA hasnt been what it used to be.It's not as competitive anymore. Teams are basically stacked.

And they play for the money,and not for peoples entertainment.
The old NBA was the best.

Maybe it is just me, but I think the NBA has lost its touch.
I miss Micheal. but one thing i love about the NBA is the Detroit Pistons. These guys are fun.
Reason I don't like it is it's just one on one anymore
I agree that the Pistons are basically the only "team" in the NBA. I don't think any of them are just in it for the money. The play because they wanna win. They are "natural players" and not fakes.
I loved watchin Micheal play..there was nothing else like it..he could shoot over anyone..dunk on anyone and played such aggressive defense and was always up in his opponents face..I think the league has been very boring since the Bull's team seperated..they were great to watch when I was little...Now days its boring..but the new age dunkers are fun to watch..
I'd rather see great plays than impressive dunking.

Teamwork is what it needs to be about, not who can outscore who else.
I very seldom watch the NBA anymore, its more a business than a sport. There isn't any passion for the game or team commitment, its just all about who can be top dog for the night I think.

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