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Broncos 13 - Bears 10 F/OT
Another thriller.
Tebow and the Broncos just continue to win!

Tebow is amazing!!!
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Bears made several key mistakes in this game, including a Marion Barber fumble in overtime that was recovered by Wesley Woodyard of the Broncos. Broncos were down 10-0 in this game with four minutes to go in regulation.

Tebow goes 21 of 40 for 236 yards with one touchdown and one pick.
Love watching this guy play and he is making me root for the Broncos.
Wow, Tebow does it again! Bring on the Packers.... Ok, ok, maybe not quite ready for that, but wow, give this team a chance to win at the end of the game, and they DO!
Scoring Summary
TD 05:19 Marion Barber 9 Yd Run (Robbie Gould Kick) 7 0
FG 14:55 Robbie Gould 57 Yd 10 0
TD 02:08 Demaryius Thomas 10 Yd Pass From Tim Tebow (Matt Prater Kick) 10 7
FG 00:03 Matt Prater 59 Yd 10 10
FG 08:34 Matt Prater 51 Yd 10 13
the Broncos will get to the playoffs and get blown out by 30.
^Your so harsh RIUTG.
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I love watching Tim Tebow prove John Elway wrong every week. Tebow has something too prove and as long as Elway and the naysayer's keep bashing him and his religion they are only giving him reason to succeed.
Tebow does it again. What now Tebow haters? -Phil. 4:13
Instead of praising Tebow, shouldn't Broncos fans be thanks Marion Barber? He was their MVP. Tebow done his part as well obviously, but Barber made 2 very crucial mistakes.
^Devine Intervention?

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
Spud6 Wrote:^Your so harsh RIUTG.

I only speak my mind friend.
IMO, the Broncos luck will run out in a big way because they have no passing game.
Tebow can only win so many games at QB, maybe enough to get into the playoffs, but when it comes to to playing with the best of the AFC, id rank them about 7th right now.
Chicago needs to cut Marion Barber after that performance

He pretty much gave the game to Denver
^ If Chicago was going to cut offensive players because of collapsed performances from yesterday, they may not have enough to field a team next Sunday
Stardust Wrote:^ If Chicago was going to cut offensive players because of collapsed performances from yesterday, they may not have enough to field a team next Sunday

Isn't that the truth....

The problem with the Bears was loosing their starting QB and RB late in the season. This pretty much restricted them on picking anyone up to fill in.

In regards to yesterday's game, the Bears should have won it but Tebow did enough to win has he has done since taking over as starter. I hate that the Bears lost but I am glad Tebow had a good game as I am a fan of his. Not by what he does on the field but off the field as well.

Oh, and maybe someone should John Elway that Tebow has better stats than he did after his first 10 games.
And where would you have rated them PRIOR to Tebow. The kid wins---it is simple as that. The offense believes in him, the defense believes in him, special teams believe in him, and he makes people around him better. He is a true feel good story. Everyone has bashed him at every level he has played at. They say he can't do this --he can't do that--he won't succeed. I dare any of you naysayers out there to tell me someone who has been more successful at every level than Tim Tebow. The man perserveres, he lifts his team mates to new levels, and he wins. I love it that the so-called experts are left with their tongues hanging out every week after saying the next team they play will do this and that and the Broncos can't win this one. I hope he kicks butt the rest of the year. Hate on him if you want--but not me---I AM A BELIEVER and I respect this young man for giving credit to his savior. There are a lot more of us that would probably be more successful if we practiced what Tebow does.
Making Tebow the stater was the best decision that John Fox ever made.
What is sad is that I like Tebow so much (except when he was playing UK) that, me, a man that grew up a Raiders fan, is starting to want the Broncos to win and win the division!

Talk about strong! lol
This was the first week I picked against Tebow - but he did it again..
#22 Bears are falling apart.

Hurry up and heal Jay and Matt!!! Damn!!!
I have been impressed with Tebow both as a hard nosed player and person and he deserves all the praise he gets, but I do have a problem with one thing concerning the game with the Bears. I have read this thread and I watch most of the sports shows daily on ESPN and they continue to talk about this game and Tebow. It bothers me that they have never mentioned the kicker who kicked a 59 yard field goal to send it to overtime nor have they mentioned he kicked a 51 yard field goal to win it. It is all about Tebow. Someone else has to kick, catch, run, and make the tackles for the Broncos to win.
vundy33 Bears are falling apart.

Hurry up and heal Jay and Matt!!! Damn!!!

Not sure it is going to happen......hate to say it but his season has taken a turn for the worse......:igiveup:

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