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U.S. Marines urinating on bodies
TheRealThing Wrote:This is the way of things with people like Leon and Hillary. In their minds we're demonstrating to the arab nations and to the world, for that matter, that we are a good and decent people. Ever ready to wade in and severely punish American troops for any perceived indescresion which may seem offensive to our sworn enemies. They can murder Americans by the thousands using suicide bombers and by flying hijacked airliners full of innocent civilians into skyscrapers filled with innocent civilians. We, on the other hand, are bound by a rediculously high standard to be nothing if not gracious with them in return.

The extemist adherents of Jihad don't give a flip what we think, much less if we are gracious with them. The only way they would be happy with America is if they can kill us all. We give them money, equip entire militaries and then train them, bring them over here by the bizillion to educate them and set them up in business, how much is enough? This isn't failure to communicate our true intentions. They don't CARE what our true intentions are. America is the "Great Satan" to them.

This is demonstrative of the naivity which characterizes the liberal mindset. Nancy Pelosi actually thought she had settled the age old dispute in the Middle East when she had newly ascended to the speakership. In her mind she brokered the 'deal of the century' between PLO leader Yasser Arafat and the nation of Israel. All liberals think human depravity is due only to a lack of education, or an unhappy childhood. Of course, the truth was Mr Arafat laughed at Pelosi and made open mockery of her in his sphere of influence and, literally nothing came of her efforts. We can't seem to understand the rest of the world doesn't think like we do. Just sittting down and reasoning with folks doesn't always work. As a matter of fact, history teaches the unfortunate opposite to be true.

I favor the approach Theodore Roosevelt suggested we take, "Speak softly and carry a big stick" That's what got us free and that has kept us free. When we get too far away from this principle, as we are starting to do now by giving our sovereignty up for membership in some ill-advised league of nations, we will fall.
I know I do too. How much stupity can you stuff into one human's brain anyways?

Good post TRT. Thank you for very eloquenty expanding on the points I was trying to make.
toussaints Wrote:Imagine what would have happened to these Marines if they died by enemy fire. They would have been dragged, kicked around, crapped on, and maybe even fed to vultures. It may have been disrespectful, but I have no problems with what they did.

They would've had their heads beat in with the buttstock of an AK, and then had all their gear stripped of them. I've seen it first hand. They tried to drag the entire body off but we came up to fast, so they just dropped the body and kept the gear.

That's one of their biggest goals they have when they ambush us. They'll setup an L-shaped or U-shaped with a machine gun at each side, and rifles all along it, trying to setup fires that will just cut us down immediately. Saying "**** it" and killing everyone is what SSG Guinta received his MOH for.

Hell, we were involved in an operation in 2009 to support and overwatch for the rest of the unit coming down into a village. We surprisingly ran into some Taliban on the backside of the mountain, but we didn't even see them. Our terp said they were yelling back and forth "Don't shoot the radio, don't shoot the radio" Tells you right there what they were planning on doing. I think they knew we were coming, they just didn't get their ambush set up fast enough. I sat on the side of that mountain freezing my ass off because of them for like 6 hours until a Apache finally got em..we found it funny that their commander said "Don't shoot the radios" like his guys could actually shoot worth a shit, hahaha.

But anyway, yeah, one of their biggest goals is to snatch one of us and our gear. They really take a huge chance trying to do that, and they usually paid for it. My buddy that was KIA that I posted a pic of above? He was killed in a Taliban attack on a Combat OutPost, and he was in one of the outer-most guardposts with another guy. They both were killed, and Kevin's body dragged about 30 feet down the hill. You could even say it was dishonored or whatever the hell people are saying about these dead Taliban when they guy dragging him down the hill triggered a claymore. I wasn't there at the time, but this is what the family was told, and a friend that was there told me.

It sucks...but they can keep trying to drag our boys off. We will keep shooting them when they try. Doesn't matter to me..helps my boredom.

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