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CBS News: 11 More Solyndras In Obama Energy Program
I was surprised to find this clip from a CBS News story. These cases, along with Solyndra and others, demonstrate why the federal government should steer clear of investing in private companies...and investing includes making taxpayer guaranteed loans. Most private investors would not go near these dogs.

This stuff keeps getting more and more bizarre, and scary. This administration seems to get by with anything they want to do. If there were scandals afoot regarding our energy policy and practice, dubious troop draw downs, flub-a-dubs fast and furious etc. related to the republicans, the howling about it from the left would be deafening. On the other hand, the leftys are so sure of themselves they don't even try to hide their intentions anymore. For instance, the Dems are doing everything they can to get Justice Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from ruling on Obama's health care law. This would give them an unfair advantage. But, it isn't about fairness anymore, it's about control. This modus operandi demonstrates one of the things I've been saying. Bill Clinton taught the left how to say anything they want to in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary and make it fly.

Additionally, I would add that bad policies hurt all Americans, not just those on one side of the issue or the other. The trap in which America finds herself mired and the resulting gridlock of the federal government, is bias. And, is characterized by the rediculous banter coming from the Dems, declaring themselves inerrant, and any debate coming from the right to be self serving, and unilaterally suspect as damaging to the middle and lower class. I mean, Obama comes right out and admits without shame that the Dems trade services and entitlements for votes in the State of the Union Address. It really isn't hard to get most folks to vote for you if you're going to give them everything in life they need. Heck, we'll even sell off our ability to defend ourselves so that we can then give the resulting funds to the poor, right? And it's worth mentioning again, when there are no critisims coming out of the press for the Dems, they have every right to feel like they can get by with about anything. Americans grew up trusting the news organizations they have heard and watched on TV. Since the media have become slanted to the left in their views people are influenced to take a similar view to that of the newscaster they listen to. I mean, they aren't going to give examples of proof to disprove their position now are they?

In another thread I mentioned that science will be able to develope the new and green enery sources the left is clamoring about at it's own speed. Not only would these sources need to be developed but, the new machines, not even envisioned yet, would need to be invented and a way to mass produce them would depend on industry being able to tool up to that end. In short, these things don't yet exist. Wasting billions of dollars of our money so that the solyndra's of our country can champagne toast in each new day till the money runs out isn't progress. It isn't even research. It's chasing butterflies, while living like millionaires. What am I saying, they ARE millionaires, they gave themselves millions in bonuses before they bellied up!

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