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Hillary Clinton parties in Colombia
Over the weekend, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton cut loose during her trip to the Summit of the Americas in Colombia, partying at a local club early Sunday morning.
And while the outing may be fairly typical of visitors to Latin American countries, photos showing Clinton dancing and throwing back a bottle of beer proved too irresistible for the tabloid press.
According to the New York Post, Clinton arrived at Cartagena's Cafe Havana with a dozen female aides just after midnight.
"Clinton quickly proved she's just a regular gal when it comes to drinking," the Post reported. "She eschewed a glass and sucked down her Aguila pilsener cerveza straight from the bottle."



YOU GO GIRL !!!!!!! LOL! :truestory::blonded:

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
I heard she got a little spot on her dress, and that spot did not come from Bill....
^ nice
Hillary the Party Girl!

This is nowhere near as disturbing as what kind of shenanigans the secret service boys got their self into. I just caught the last few seconds of some commentary last night...Something about prostitutes (maybe underage) and not protecting our President and other officials in Columbia? Anyone got specifics?
^ This was a scoping mission 2 weeks prior to the Presidents visit, so nothing of note for when Obama was there. Apparently a few of the agents didn't pay their bills and skipped out on a few hookers, at least this is what is "alleged". I'm sure that we can completely believe the "Cocaine King's" version of the story that first came from "sources" in Columbia....
^Speaking of the agents that are in trouble in this matter. If you've ever been out of country in the armed service of the USA, you know bars and hookers are on nearly every corner. On the surface, the basic contract concerning the function of world's oldest profession would seem to be a simple transaction. These girls however, know how to use blackmail to extort more money than was agreed upon from those who have a reputation, of sorts, they need to protect and maintain. Secret Service, and high ranking military, are prime targets for such shenanigans. Especially since these bozo's decided to take the girls back to their rooms. I don't believe for the first second these guys were stupid enough to not pay for their ill-advised forays. I do believe the hookers involved seized upon an opportunity to hit the sexual pinata for an extra bonus.

You just can't feel sorry for these guys, whether the president was there or not. Taxpayers paid for the trip, their rooms and restaurants and likely their bar bills. If that ain't enough diversion to make the trip palatable, sorry about your bad luck. Every one of them should be fired, no matter how good an agent they are. If we expect a certain level of behavior from agents on duty, or off, we must show the punishment for violations of this type will be swift and sure.
So does anyone know how to make a hormone???

....don't pay her!!!!

just as the "Can't Keep A Secret Service".
Even though there are a million things i could say to make fun of her, i like seeing things like this.
Everyone's personal lives should be their own and not made known to the public.
IMO, the only time someones personal life should become known is when its affecting his or hers ability to effectively do their job, such as being an addict.
I see that the lady likes her beer from a longneck. .... All she needs is a Marlboro and a nice bowling shirt.....
Walleye Wrote:I see that the lady likes her beer from a longneck. .... All she needs is a Marlboro and a nice bowling shirt.....

and a cigar.........wonder if Bill has any leftConfusedmoke:
^She prolly showed Bill that

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
I thought I was going to open this and see the other Republicans here hating on her for it..I'm glad I don't see that, lol.

Quote:Washington (CNN) -- Days after 11 Secret Service members were placed on administrative leave for their alleged role in a prostitution scandal in Cartagena, Colombia, investigators are now looking into whether drugs were involved, a source with knowledge of the probe said Wednesday.

Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan has told subordinates to use "all tools available" to conduct the investigation, and has made it known that he believes drug testing is within his rights, the source said.

It is not clear if any of those accused have been tested, and authorities say drug use is not consistent with their findings so far, though they are continuing to investigate the allegations alongside local police.

Meanwhile, Senate lawmakers have scheduled a hearing on the controversy for 10 a.m. ET next Wednesday, inviting Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to testify.
At least one congressman, Randy Forbes, a Virginia Republican, has called for Sullivan to be replaced.

"There's only so many strikes you get, in baseball it's three," said Forbes, a senior member of the House Armed Serves Committee, referencing a prior security breach when a Virginia couple crashed President Barack Obama's first White House state dinner in 2009 as well as apparent agency overspending in that same year.

"I think he's had three," Forbes added. "I think it's time to put somebody else in there to make sure we're getting a different culture in the Secret Service."
Sullivan has directed the Secret Service since May 2006. He has been with the agency since 1983.

At the time of the incident in Colombia, the Secret Service members apparently had not yet received classified documents detailing the planned movements of the president, who was coming to Cartagena for last weekend's Summit of the Americas, the source noted. In addition, the source said, all weapons apparently were in a secure location.

Obama has said he expects a "rigorous" investigation of the incident.

The alleged prostitutes, the youngest of whom were in their early 20s, had all signed in at the Hotel El Caribe, flashing their local IDs. But one of the women, the source said, was involved in a dispute with Secret Service personnel about how much she was to be paid. That dispute brought the incident to light.

In addition to the 11 Secret Service members implicated in the probe, as many as 10 U.S. military personnel from all branches of the armed forces are being questioned about potential misconduct.

Five members of America's elite Army Special Forces are among those under investigation, two U.S. officials said Wednesday.

If the government is surprised with this, they need to head on over to the cities surrounding our bases in Germany and Korea, part about it is 5 Special Forces soldiers were involved too, hahahaha. Columbia has some of the best women on earth..don't really blame em'.

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