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Swing-state unemployment down, Obama's chances up
TheRealVille Wrote:I work hard for a living. I am working right now, on a plant to clean up the mess of people you support. You have no clue how I make money when I am not on a union job. I definitely am not laying around. I am definitely making money when I am not working on a real job, as you say.

BTW, My union job pays me enough that I wouldn't have to work but 8 months a year, anyway. How much would you say is enough to make in a year, at a regular job?
How much a person feels that they need to earn is their own business. I don't comment on other people's jobs unless they want to take cheap shots at mine. Personal attacks in forums like this is just a way that people like you avoid dealing with facts.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:How much a person feels that they need to earn is their own business. I don't comment on other people's jobs unless they want to take cheap shots at mine. Personal attacks in forums like this is just a way that people like you avoid dealing with facts.
For your info, when I work at my union job, I have to leave my family. I don't have the pleasure of dragging my family all over the US, like you do.
TheRealVille Wrote:The republicans aren't doing the same thing? They go against everything he proposes.

Because instead of trying to work with the other side, he is trying to slam his agenda down their throats. And I didn't really mean that toward his ability to work with the other side (although it's pretty bad) as much as how he has widened the gap with race, religion, etc.
TheRealVille Wrote:The republicans aren't doing the same thing? They go against everything he proposes.

The first 2 years Obama had control of both houses of congress. Why didn't he fix everything then? By the way I don't care what ethier of you guys do for a living. Why don't you discuss policy instead of just throwing off on each other? I am sure that somewhere during by working career I may have also worked for the government in some way.
TheRealVille Wrote:For your info, when I work at my union job, I have to leave my family. I don't have the pleasure of dragging my family all over the US, like you do.
I have not "dragged" my family anywhere but leaving one's family behind is almost always a choice. My wife and I chose to let our children graduate in Kentucky with their friends and now we choose to live together near DC.
The first 2 years Obama had control of both houses of congress. Why didn't he fix everything then? By the way I don't care what ethier of you guys do for a living. Why don't you discuss policy instead of just throwing off on each other? I am sure that somewhere during by working career I may have also worked for the government in some way.

because it was so screwed up it would take alot more than 2 years

i think it took us about 12 years to get out of the depression
The first 2 years Obama had control of both houses of congress. Why didn't he fix everything then? By the way I don't care what ethier of you guys do for a living. Why don't you discuss policy instead of just throwing off on each other? I am sure that somewhere during by working career I may have also worked for the government in some way.

i will tell you how bad your party left it

we elected the first black president in history that's how bad it


and i have never worked for the gov and if i did i would

not be bitting the hand that feeds me
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Do you want a take another crack at writing a coherent sentence? That last one fell way short.

You are obviously not a student of recent American history. As a consequence of gerrymandering of Congressional district lines, there has never been a bigger gulf between the Republican and Democratic Parties. There are very few moderates in either party because there are so many homogeneous, "safe" districts where very conservative and very liberal candidates enjoy large edges in their respective primaries. Only the Ron Paul fanatics seem to have trouble recognizing and acknowledging the sharp polarization of the only two viable national political parties.

So, bury your hand in the sand and pretend that it does not matter whether the biggest deficit spender in American history gets reelected. If the nation survives long enough, Ron Paul will retire on a fat government pension, leaving you to vote for whatever liberal is promising to gut our military and legalize recreational drug use.

So, the start of the federal bailouts were done by which party. Is that recent enough for you?

Which presidental nominee is for an individual mandate and proposed to raise "fees" to support the cause? You know the individual mandate, what true conservatives get angry about...who passed that in their state?

Republicrat, I know it is hard, you want to be a conservative, I believe that you do, but you must obey.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Do you want a take another crack at writing a coherent sentence? That last one fell way short.

You are obviously not a student of recent American history. As a consequence of gerrymandering of Congressional district lines, there has never been a bigger gulf between the Republican and Democratic Parties. There are very few moderates in either party because there are so many homogeneous, "safe" districts where very conservative and very liberal candidates enjoy large edges in their respective primaries. Only the Ron Paul fanatics seem to have trouble recognizing and acknowledging the sharp polarization of the only two viable national political parties.

So, bury your hand in the sand and pretend that it does not matter whether the biggest deficit spender in American history gets reelected. If the nation survives long enough, Ron Paul will retire on a fat government pension, leaving you to vote for whatever liberal is promising to gut our military and legalize recreational drug use.

Don't forget cut the federal government by 20% by getting rid of Department of Education, Interior, Energy, every Federal Reserve Bank and that just gets me started Also don't forget to change our tax code and then you would be absolutely correct, I would vote for that person tomorrow!

However, you are also correct the republicrats would never go for such things...I mean look who they chose a man that was for the individual mandate, a man that was for raising fees ( in your own words). Follow in line now "They report (but don't call on them to call out one of their own) and you obey"
vector Wrote:The first 2 years Obama had control of both houses of congress. Why didn't he fix everything then? By the way I don't care what ethier of you guys do for a living. Why don't you discuss policy instead of just throwing off on each other? I am sure that somewhere during by working career I may have also worked for the government in some way.

i will tell you how bad your party left it

we elected the first black president in history that's how bad it


and i have never worked for the gov and if i did i would

not be bitting the hand that feeds me

The republicrats, when they gave the tax breaks and never cut the government and remember they owned the house, senate, and white house. Every republicrat just hopes that people forget the years 2000-2008. I agree in tax breaks but where was the cuts...oh yeah, republcrates love a big government as well.
tvtimeout Wrote:So, the start of the federal bailouts were done by which party. Is that recent enough for you?

Which presidental nominee is for an individual mandate and proposed to raise "fees" to support the cause? You know the individual mandate, what true conservatives get angry about...who passed that in their state?

Republicrat, I know it is hard, you want to be a conservative, I believe that you do, but you must obey.
The financial bailouts were bipartisan, but Democrats provided most of the votes. There are far too few fiscal conservatives in Congress, but almost all of them belong to the Republican Party. I expect that Ron Paul will be voting for Romney, just like me. If Ron Paul endorses Romney at the convention, will that make him a "Republicrat?" Or will it just make him a graceful loser in a political campaign who chooses to support the best candidate who has a chance of winning?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The financial bailouts were bipartisan, but Democrats provided most of the votes. There are far too few fiscal conservatives in Congress, but almost all of them belong to the Republican Party. I expect that Ron Paul will be voting for Romney, just like me. If Ron Paul endorses Romney at the convention, will that make him a "Republicrat?" Or will it just make him a graceful loser in a political campaign who chooses to support the best candidate who has a chance of winning?

Well that makes all the difference in the world then doesn't it.

I agree the Repbulicrats have taken over the party. This is what gave rise to the tea party, which you never hear much from...since they became to conservative, that they would even affect the military.

At this point, I don't know if he will or not. I know that if Ron Paul is not the VP canidate: I will vote for the Libertarian Party, just like I did in 08.
tvtimeout Wrote:The republicrats, when they gave the tax breaks and never cut the government and remember they owned the house, senate, and white house. Every republicrat just hopes that people forget the years 2000-2008. I agree in tax breaks but where was the cuts...oh yeah, republcrates love a big government as well.

Really have no comment to is hard to look in the mirror and see the Republicrats. But I still hold out there can be change... before it is too late.

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