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How's that Arab Spring working for ya?
Protests against an anti-Islam film made in the US have spread across the Middle East and North Africa.

In Yemen, demonstrators briefly stormed the grounds of the US embassy in Sanaa and burnt the US flag, but were driven back by security forces.

In Egypt, 224 people were injured in protests, the health ministry said.

In Libya, where the US ambassador was killed during protests in Benghazi on Tuesday, officials said they had made some arrests over the attack.

Anti-American anger

Police in Sanaa shot in the air, but failed to prevent crowds from gaining access to the embassy compound and setting fire to vehicles.

Security force reinforcements used tear gas, water cannon and live fire to drive protesters back.

Windows were smashed. A US flag was torn down and replaced with a black flag bearing the Muslim statement of faith, "There is no God but Allah".

In Washington, a White House spokesman said all those working in the Sanaa embassy were safe and accounted for.

In Egypt, protests erupted for a third day outside the US embassy in Cairo, with some demonstrators demanding the expulsion of the ambassador.

Police fired tear gas at crowds throwing stones.

Islamist groups and others have called for a "million-man march" in Cairo on Friday.

In other developments:

Iranians chanting anti-US and anti-Israel slogans stage a protest outside the Swiss embassy in the Iranian capital, Tehran, which represents US interests
Afghan President Hamid Karzai has postponed a planned visit to Norway, fearing violence could erupt in his country
There were small protests in Bangladesh and Iraq, in addition to Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia
Security has been increased at US embassies and consulates around the world; US officials say a marine anti-terrorism team is being deployed to Libya and two destroyers to the Libyan coast as a precautionary measure.

Polls says folks prefer the president's foreign policy expertise 53% to 39% over Romney. What say you?
Hope and change working well. At least the administration only apologized once for the film that "started" all of this

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