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tvtimeout Wrote:If your thesis was correct... How do you explain the state of Kentucky? For every dollar sent to Washington we get $1.30 to $1.50 back... by definition we are a taker and yet our state went to Romney.

Spin all you want. The truth is the truth.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Spin all you want. The truth is the truth.
There is no spin. Kentucky takes in more federal money, than it gives back in taxes. Granted, the data that guy had was from 2005, but I'd venture to say it hasn't gotten any better, probably worse. The truth is the truth.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:All of the important tenets of life an how it is to be lived,, including all biblical principles, are old. they don't change. That, too, is fact. A truly principled individual cannot change his/her foundational beliefs to suit the times. Fundamental beliefs are not amendable just because the makeup of society changes.

Democrats can and do go with the flow, so to speak. Their "principles" vary depending upon what it takes to attract the takers. Republicans may end up trying to do the same. However, they will still lose because the Democrats got there first and will continue to out Democrat (ie: buy votes from those with no basic redeemable principles with freebies) the Republicans. I am likely the minority. However, I am in rather good company.

Bob Seger Wrote:Harry, you masterfully stated that about as eloquently as I have ever heard someone explain it. Very well done.

Game, set, match. That is the problem in a nutshell. That simple truth is what every liberal wants to defy when they insist on changing laws, even the constitution to suit the fads of the times. Conservatives recognize this simple truth and therefore are trying to resist the naive and simple minded move of our land to the extreme left, la-la land. Of course most liberals twist reality, trying to say that conservatives are old fashioned and are trying to dictate everybody elses lifestyle. A notion which is assinine at best.

The misteps this president has taken, is an excellent example of why the novice should never assume positions of leadership. They just don't know what they're talking about. When you hear somebody brag on himself all the time, like Obama is fond of doing and some of the posters on BGR, you know your listening to a greenhorn.
vector Wrote:there's a lot of taker's that vote republican

I know some takers who vote Republican. There are a few takers who genuinely want to be self supporting. But that number is decreasing every day. Your post does nothing to change my thesis. The vast majority of takers vote Democrat because, to them, the Democrats, through the governmental units, are Santa Claus.

The takers have won because they now are of such a large number that they control the outcome of national elections. I've explained above why that won't change. I accept that as a fact.

When given the choice to work for your success or have a certain level of existence handed to you for free, most, obviously, will choose the latter. In our government schools, it is called "social promotion". Later, it is called "entitlements". The bottom line is that it is all welfare and welfare rules the country.
TheRealThing Wrote:Game, set, match. That is the problem in a nutshell. That simple truth is what every liberal wants to defy when they insist on changing laws, even the constitution to suit the fads of the times. Conservatives recognize this simple truth and therefore are trying to resist the naive and simple minded move of our land to the extreme left, la-la land. Of course most liberals twist reality, trying to say that conservatives are old fashioned and are trying to dictate everybody elses lifestyle. A notion which is assinine at best.

The misteps this president has taken, is an excellent example of why the novice should never assume positions of leadership. They just don't know what they're talking about. When you hear somebody brag on himself all the time, like Obama is fond of doing and some of the posters on BGR, you know your listening to a greenhorn.
That's exactly what you all do.
TheRealVille Wrote:That's exactly what you all do.

That's exactly what you think.
TheRealThing Wrote:That's exactly what you think.
Are you willing to let gays get married?
TheRealVille Wrote:There is no spin. Kentucky takes in more federal money, than it gives back in taxes. Granted, the data that guy had was from 2005, but I'd venture to say it hasn't gotten any better, probably worse. The truth is the truth.

Of course, not all federal money is used for welfare takers. Much is used for education and related non-welfare projects. And, of course, the Commonwealth has a goodly number of takers who live on welfare. Of course, most of those who do so vote Democrat. So your argument is without merit.

You can't win, TheRealVille, because the facts are clearly on my side. And, you know it.
TheRealVille Wrote:Are you willing to let gays get married?

I oppose gay marriage, it is an abomination before God. If I ever get a chance to vote on the matter I will vote no. I get one vote and my opinion.
TheRealVille Wrote:Are you willing to let gays get married?

I agree with TheRealThing. Homosexual marriage is an abomination to humanity.
Bob Seger Wrote:Harry, you masterfully stated that about as eloquently as I have ever heard someone explain it. Very well done.

Agreed Seger!

What I find funny about this is that Harry words that as good as anybody could word it, yet he feels that he could have worded it better.

Talk about ambition! Ever see that from our liberal buddies on here? Confusednicker:
TheRealThing Wrote:I oppose gay marriage, it is an abomination before God. If I ever get a chance to vote on the matter I will vote no. I get one vote and my opinion.
My point is proven.
TheRealVille Wrote:My point is proven.

What, pray tell, point of yours was proven? Are you an advocate of homosexual marriage? I didn't think you were that much of a wild eye.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:What, pray tell, point of yours was proven? Are you an advocate of homosexual marriage? I didn't think you were that much of a wild eye.
TRT said conservatives didn't try to dictate what people do in their lives, and I said that's exactly what you all do. In the next post I asked him if he was willing to let gays get married, and he said he would vote no. He proved my point. I am absolutely, 100% for gay marriage.
TheRealVille Wrote:TRT said conservatives didn't try to dictate what people do in their lives, and I said that's exactly what you all do. In the next post I asked him if he was willing to let gays get married, and he said he would vote no. He proved my point. I am absolutely, 100% for gay marriage.

I would never doubt that you fully support homosexual marriage. It goes with your political, economic, and philosophical beliefs. You have bought the whole liberal, socialist, anti-capitalist, anti-Christian package. You are a fine Democrat.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I would never doubt that you fully support homosexual marriage. It goes with your political, economic, and philosophical beliefs. You have bought the whole liberal, socialist, anti-capitalist, anti-Christian package. You are a fine Democrat.
RV is a gay rights activist. If you believe that consenting adults should have the legal right to do whatever they desire in their own bedrooms but do not believe that government should redefine the centuries old definition of marriage, then you are denying gay people their civil rights.

It is okay for state and federal governments to dictate to people what they can do with their property, their money, their business, their healthcare choices, and almost anything else - but if you are unwilling to agree to redefine the law to allow gay marriage, then you are a bigot. The world according to RV is a strange place.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:RV is a gay rights activist. If you believe that consenting adults should have the legal right to do whatever they desire in their own bedrooms but do not believe that government should redefine the centuries old definition of marriage, then you are denying gay people their civil rights.

It is okay for state and federal governments to dictate to people what they can do with their property, their money, their business, their healthcare choices, and almost anything else - but if you are unwilling to agree to redefine the law to allow gay marriage, then you are a bigot. The world according to RV is a strange place.

Undoubtedly, I am a bigot. In this situation, I'll wear the distinction with pride.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I would never doubt that you fully support homosexual marriage. It goes with your political, economic, and philosophical beliefs. You have bought the whole liberal, socialist, anti-capitalist, anti-Christian package. You are a fine Democrat.

Pretty good analysis, I would add a couple of points. RV is just another antiestablishment guy. Antiestablishmentarians adhere to the doctrine of opposition to the social and political establishment. Their purpose is to subvert from within. This doctrine holds that establishments lose connection with the people and have their own agendas which frequently destroy the things they blindly don't address. [Wiki] We're in the process of tearing down the country in favor of well, who knows, the important thing is experiencing the joy of rebellion for the sake of rebellion. Sort of the same kick one would get if he took a chain saw to the hull of a schooner his family was sailing on out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I mean, when one says he just wants to protect the union way of life, and then votes for a guy that is destroying the country's economic landscape, even having articulated as much during one of his many speaking engagements, or out on the campaign trail he has trodden now for lo, these past four years something just doesn't add up. Every union man in this nation, without even one exception, is looking to his pension to help fund his golden years of retirement. If the going economic wisdom is correct, there is two things which apply to every last one of those pension funds; first, they are all heavily invested in said stock market, which is tanking, and two, they are threatened as the result of Obama's reelection. Apple alone lost $100 billion since Wednesday and the market is down across the board. BTW, the health care we have enjoyed for our working lives is going to change. Without getting into the details again, it will be like being forced to trade your crew cab 4 wheel drive Silverado for a rusted out volks wagon beetle that will cost you more each month than your big beautiful truck did.
TheRealThing Wrote:Pretty good analysis, I would add a couple of points. RV is just another antiestablishment guy. Antiestablishmentarians adhere to the doctrine of opposition to the social and political establishment. Their purpose is to subvert from within. This doctrine holds that establishments lose connection with the people and have their own agendas which frequently destroy the things they blindly don't address. [Wiki] We're in the process of tearing down the country in favor of well, who knows, the important thing is experiencing the joy of rebellion for the sake of rebellion. Sort of the same kick one would get if he took a chain saw to the hull of a schooner his family was sailing on out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I mean, when one says he just wants to protect the union way of life, and then votes for a guy that is destroying the country's economic landscape, even having articulated as much during one of his many speaking engagements, or out on the campaign trail he has trodden now for lo, these past four years something just doesn't add up. Every union man in this nation, without even one exception, is looking to his pension to help fund his golden years of retirement. If the going economic wisdom is correct, there is two things which apply to every last one of those pension funds; first, they are all heavily invested in said stock market,which is tanking, and two, they are threatened as the result of Obama's reelection. Apple alone lost $100 billion since Wednesday and the market is down across the board. BTW, the health care we have enjoyed for our working lives is going to change. Without getting into the details again, it will be like being forced to trade your crew cab 4 wheel drive Silverado for a rusted out volks wagon beetle that will cost you more each month than your big beautiful truck did.
TheRealThing Wrote:Pretty good analysis, I would add a couple of points. RV is just another antiestablishment guy. Antiestablishmentarians adhere to the doctrine of opposition to the social and political establishment. Their purpose is to subvert from within. This doctrine holds that establishments lose connection with the people and have their own agendas which frequently destroy the things they blindly don't address. [Wiki] We're in the process of tearing down the country in favor of well, who knows, the important thing is experiencing the joy of rebellion for the sake of rebellion. Sort of the same kick one would get if he took a chain saw to the hull of a schooner his family was sailing on out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I mean, when one says he just wants to protect the union way of life, and then votes for a guy that is destroying the country's economic landscape, even having articulated as much during one of his many speaking engagements, or out on the campaign trail he has trodden now for lo, these past four years something just doesn't add up. Every union man in this nation, without even one exception, is looking to his pension to help fund his golden years of retirement. If the going economic wisdom is correct, there is two things which apply to every last one of those pension funds; first, they are all heavily invested in said stock market, which is tanking, and two, they are threatened as the result of Obama's reelection. Apple alone lost $100 billion since Wednesday and the market is down across the board. BTW, the health care we have enjoyed for our working lives is going to change. Without getting into the details again, it will be like being forced to trade your crew cab 4 wheel drive Silverado for a rusted out volks wagon beetle that will cost you more each month than your big beautiful truck did.
Maybe if you all get off of the backs of unions, gays, women, and hispanics, you might be able to garner a vote for the big seat. Until then, I see a hard road for Washington republicans. White men voters can't get republicans elected anymore. If this election didn't prove that, it can't be learned.
TheRealVille Wrote:Maybe if you all get off of the backs of unions, gays, women, and hispanics, you might be able to garner a vote for the big seat. Until then, I see a hard road for Washington republicans. White men voters can't get republicans elected anymore. If this election didn't prove that, it can't be learned.

I accept that you are an authority about things that cannot be learned.
TheRealThing Wrote:I accept that you are an authority about things that cannot be learned.
It's funny that people at the top of the republican party realize exactly the same things as I'm saying, yet the all knowing TRT doesn't accept it. Listen, I hope your people don't change, it makes it much easier for democrats. :Thumbs:
TheRealVille Wrote:It's funny that people at the top of the republican party realize exactly the same things as I'm saying, yet the all knowing TRT doesn't accept it. Listen, I hope your people don't change, it makes it much easier for democrats. :Thumbs:

you got that right Confusednicker:
TheRealVille Wrote:It's funny that people at the top of the republican party realize exactly the same things as I'm saying, yet the all knowing TRT doesn't accept it. Listen, I hope your people don't change, it makes it much easier for democrats. :Thumbs:

I certainly hope you and your ilk don't change. By 2016, our country will be so run in the ground by this group that people will be eager to vote them out.

Your side has won the battle, but they are going to lose the war.
TheRealVille Wrote:It's funny that people at the top of the republican party realize exactly the same things as I'm saying, yet the all knowing TRT doesn't accept it. Listen, I hope your people don't change, it makes it much easier for democrats. :Thumbs:

I know most of what I say is alien and doesn't make much sense to you. I hope you will take great comfort knowing that I will never change. As to 'my people' changing, who knows, they may well do just that. When did I ever say I agreed totally with republican leadership? I said I normally vote republican because they tend to espouse the traditional values I believe in. Frankly, they do quite a bit that I don't like. Right now I'm holding out hope that I will be able to support any candidate at all, running for office. If the republican party mutates into moderate democrats, as some suggest is necessary for them to survive, I can assure you a third party will emerge.
TheRealThing Wrote:I know most of what I say is alien and doesn't make much sense to you. I hope you will take great comfort knowing that I will never change. As to 'my people' changing, who knows, they may well do just that. When did I ever say I agreed totally with republican leadership? I said I normally vote republican because they tend to espouse the traditional values I believe in. Frankly, they do quite a bit that I don't like. Right now I'm holdng out hope that I will be able to support any candidate at all, running for office. If the republican party mutates into moderate democrats, as some suggest is necessary for them to survive, I can assure you a third party will emerge.

Obviously and sadly, the republican party has already began it's mutation into moderatville, it's why we're losing.

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